Chapter 745
Thinking of the scar on his face, Wen Jianing couldn't accept it.So he suddenly grabbed the doctor's arm and said, "Doctor, help me, I don't want to leave a scar."

"Miss, don't worry, I will do my best." The doctor comforted Wen Jianing, and then asked the assistant to take Wen Jianing to treat the wound first.

After Wen Jianing cleaned the wound and gave her a tetanus shot, the doctor gave her the medicine.

After applying the medicine, the doctor wrapped her face up while explaining: "Miss Wen, you must not get angry during this time, and your face should not be exposed to the wind, otherwise the only way to leave scars is plastic surgery."

Hearing this, Wen Jianing's face darkened. Is this the rhythm for her to stay at home every day?
But in that home, she didn't want to stay longer for a day.In other places, she has no real estate.Before, even though grandparents doted on her and loved her, they never bought her a house.At that time, she didn't think so much herself, thinking that she could live with her grandparents all the time.

But she didn't want to, she was kicked out, and she didn't even have a place to stay.If you have money, you can buy a house by yourself.But she has no savings at all, and she has spent all the money given by her grandparents.

If you think about it carefully, she is really poor.After living for more than twenty years, she has nothing but the love of her grandparents.

Now, once they stopped pampering her, she would simply become a poor person with nothing.

The doctor wrapped up Wen Jianing's face and explained some precautions before letting her leave.

After leaving the hospital, Wen Jianing remembered that he didn't have a car to go back.And Liu Quandong, who sent her here before, has long since disappeared.

At this moment, Wen Jianing suddenly felt a little sad in his heart, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

She stood in the corridor of the hospital, holding her body tightly with both hands, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

A passing doctor saw her and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Wen Jianing glanced at the other party, but did not speak, her eyes fell behind the doctor.Those were her parents, her sister, and the housekeeper.

As they walked, they said something to Wen Jiahui in the middle.From a distance, Wen Jiahui looked like a moon surrounded by stars.

At this moment, Wen Jianing's heart was filled with hatred, and there was an urge to destroy everything in his heart.The relationship between her parents and Wen Jiahui made her jealous, and she felt it was an eyesore.

Wen Jiajing stood quietly, watching them getting closer and closer to him, and then passed him by, but he didn't recognize her, and didn't even look at her.

Seeing them drifting away, a rage flashed in Wen Jianing's eyes.Then he was quickly pressed down again, and then strode up to catch up.

The doctor said that her face could not be blown, and she didn't have a car, so she had to go back with them.

However, she already had an idea in her heart. Grandparents didn't buy her a car or a house, so she could only ask her parents for it.

In the past, she followed her grandparents all the time and didn't think so much.After all, in the past, there was a car to take them when they went out, and a house to live in when they returned home.

But now it's different, she is a redundant person in that family now, so she must have things that she can control, money, car and house.

Wen Jianing followed her parents to the parking lot, watched Lao Hu bring the car over, and was the first one to open the car door and get in.

Her actions caught Wen's father and Wen's mother for a moment, and they didn't react for a long time. When they were asking who she was and how they got into their car, Wen Jiahui recognized her and said sharply: "Wen Jianing, what is it?" you?"

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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