ace warm marriage

Chapter 746 Her Plan

Chapter 746 Her Plan
Wen Jianing glanced at Wen Jiahui lightly, and said coldly, "Why can't it be me?"

Mother Wen also recognized Wen Jianing at this time, so she glared at her and said, "Wen Jianing, who let you ride in our car?"

"Do you think I want to sit with you?" Wen Jianing looked at Wen's mother with a mocking face. If there is no other way, she doesn't have a car.It was night again, and she couldn't get a taxi, so she wouldn't take their car.

"Since you don't want to, why are you still sitting here? Get out of here." Mother Wen became angry when she heard Wen Jianing's words, and said sharply.

Wen Jiahui stood aside, watching the good show.She had known for a long time that her parents didn't like Wen Jianing, so she dared to show up at night.But she didn't expect that things would turn out like that in the end. Not to mention she lost a piece of scalp, she was almost disfigured.

Thinking of this, she wanted to kill Wen Jianing.So this time Wen's mother didn't wait to see Wen Jianing, she was quite happy in her heart.

"Okay, call me a car now, and I'll come down." Wen Jianing said indifferently, if she had a car, she wouldn't want to stay with them for a moment.

"Okay, don't talk about it, it's so late, it's time to go back." Wen's father, who hadn't spoken all this time, spoke up. He didn't like Wen Jianing either, but he wasn't as obvious as Wen's mother.

Wen's father had spoken, and Wen's mother didn't have much to say, so she pulled Wen Jiahui into the car.Fortunately, the space in the car is quite large, and it is not crowded for three people.

And Father Wen didn't sit with them, but sat in the co-pilot.

Seeing that the whole family got into the car, Lao Hu started the car and went back to Wen's house.

After returning home, Wen Jianing didn't say anything, got off the car and went back to the room directly.

Seeing her like this, Wen's mother became dissatisfied again, and said to Wen's father: "Look at her, she has been with her parents for more than 20 years, and she doesn't even understand the most basic manners."

"Okay, stop talking, it's getting late, go back to the room and sleep." Wen's father glared at Wen's mother, and then went back to the room directly.

Wen's mother looked at Wen's father's back, but she didn't catch up immediately, but turned to look at Wen Jiahui and said, "Huihui, you should rest early. The doctor said that you can't see the wind on your face, so don't go to work tomorrow Yes. Please take some time off and stay at home."

"Mom, I got it. Go to sleep, good night!" Wen Jiahui said coquettishly, and then pushed Wen's mother back to the room.

"Okay, then I'll go to bed, and you go to bed early too." Mother Wen told Wen Jiahui and went back to her room.

Wen Jiahui walked towards her own room after Wen's mother entered the room.When passing by the door of Wen Jianing's room, her footsteps paused, and a dark light flashed in her eyes.

She remembered this hatred!

One day, she will return it.

At this time, in the room, Wen Jianing did not rest, but sat on the bed in a daze.She was thinking about how she should go in the future?
On Si Zhanbei's side, she couldn't figure it out for the time being.For a blind date, she didn't want to go.She doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't love.

Apparently, she has to find a job.With a job, she can not only support herself, but also temporarily avoid blind dates.

However, now that she has hurt her face, she can't find a job right away, so she has to wait.However, she can get what she deserves.

She has been raised by her grandparents for more than [-] years.As parents, the two did not pay anything.What they owed her over the past twenty years should be repaid.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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