ace warm marriage

Chapter 747 Don't Think About It

Chapter 747 Don't Think About It
It seems that she has to go to them to have a good talk tomorrow.

After making a decision, Wen Jianing lay down to rest.

The next day, Wen Jianing got up early, practiced yoga for a while, and then went to have breakfast.After breakfast, she stopped Father Wen who was going to work, and said, "Father, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"What can you say, can't you say it after I get off work at night?" Father Wen was a little displeased, looking at Wen Jianing, his voice was a little impatient and cold.

"It won't take much of your time, just a few words." Wen Jianing lowered his eyes slightly, and said flatly.

She didn't want to say it in the morning, but except for this time, it was hard for her to see Father Wen.For this reason, she blocked him early in the morning.


"Father, I want a car and a house." Wen Jianing glanced at Father Wen and raised his request.

"A car, and a house?" Father Wen thought he had heard wrong, so he repeated it.

"Yes, father!" Wen Jianing nodded, and without waiting for Father Wen to speak, he continued, "I have been following my grandparents for more than 20 years. You have not fulfilled your responsibilities as a father. This car and house are regarded as Your compensation for my past 20 years."

"Don't even think about it!" Mother Wen came out at some point, and she refused directly after hearing Wen Jianing's words.Give her a car and a house, why?
Wen Jianing glanced at Wen's mother indifferently, and said: "It's fine if you don't give me the car and house, then just give me the money. I don't want too much. In the past 20 years, how much you have spent on Wen Jiahui depends on what you have spent on Wen Jiahui." Give me how much."

"Why don't you ask your grandparents for it?" Wen's mother glared at Wen Jianing fiercely. From the moment she went to meet the second elder of the Wen family, she simply pretended that she didn't have this daughter.

"Mother, you also said that they are grandparents, not my parents."

"You?" Mother Wen was so angry that she glared at Wen Jianing fiercely.She knew that nothing good would happen for Wen Jianing to come back.

Sure enough, it was like this, first it made the family restless, and then got into a fight with Wen Jiahui, causing Wen Jiahui to be almost disfigured.It's good now, and dare to ask them for a car or a house.

Father Wen didn't say anything, but took a deep look at Wen Jianing and said, "I see!"

After finishing speaking, Father Wen didn't stay long, and went directly to work.

Seeing Wen's father left, Wen Jianing didn't stay too long, and was going to go upstairs to his room to rest.Now, with her state like this, she can't go out to meet people, so she has nothing to do except go back to her room.

What's more, she didn't want to stay with Wen Mu at all.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Wen Jianing was about to leave, Mother Wen immediately called out to stop her.

"What's the matter?" Wen Jianing stopped and asked calmly.

"I warn you, it shouldn't be yours, you'd better not think about it."

"Really?" Wen Jianing sneered, then ignored Wen Mu and went upstairs.Of course, she wouldn't think about something that wasn't hers, but she wouldn't let it go at all.

This car and house, she wants to order.If they dare not give it, she will sue them directly.When the time comes, let's see whose face is lost.

Wen's mother hated Wen Jianing's appearance the most. Sometimes she wished that she had never given birth to this daughter.But there was nothing he could do about her, because Wen Jianing hadn't been close to them since he was a child, and he didn't listen to what they said.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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