ace warm marriage

Chapter 748 The Mother's Complaint

Chapter 748

Just like now, the two elders of the Wen family have been urging her to find Wen Jianing a husband's house, but every time they ask the two parties to meet, Wen Jianing always pushes back.

No, it's been more than a month, and she hasn't seen any of the men she favored.

"Stop!" Mother Wen shouted again.

"Is there anything else?" Wen Jianing stood on the stairs, turned to look at Mother Wen, with a bad expression on his face.She didn't have any objections to Wen Jianing's mother, especially when her whole heart was on Wen Jiahui.

Sometimes when I think about her, I wonder if I am really her own.Otherwise, why would one be regarded as a treasure and the other as grass.

It is true that because she followed her grandparents since she was a child, she was not close to them.But anyway, she is also her daughter, isn't she?
Even if she couldn't be as pampered as Wen Jiahui, she should have cared at least.However, the truth is, let alone caring, they simply regarded her as an enemy.

"Clarify it to me." Mother Wen went up the stairs while talking, stretching to La Wenjianing.

Seeing Mother Wen's movements, Wen Jianing's expression darkened, and he said, "Mother, do we have to tear our face apart?"

"What are you tearing up, you still have the face to say it. Look at you, since you came back to this house, what you have done to this house. Get out, get out of here."

Mother Wen cursed loudly with annoyed expression on her face.

Wen Jiahui heard the commotion outside and walked out of the room. Seeing Wen's mother scolding Wen Jianing, she couldn't help but feel complacent, and stood at the stairs holding her hands, watching her good show.

When Mother Wen saw Wen Jiahui coming out, her expression changed, she didn't care to scold Wen Jianing anymore, and immediately said, "Huihui, why did you come out?"

"You can't see the wind from your injury, go back to your room quickly. I'll ask my aunt to deliver breakfast to your room later."

Wen Jianing watched Wen's mother's face change quickly, her eyes were a little cold, she didn't say anything, and went back to her room.

Back in the room, Wen Jianing looked at his tightly packed face, his eyes became gloomy.She must avenge this revenge.

Wen Jiahui is now protected by Wen's mother, and she has nothing to do with her.I can only wait for her to go out before making a move.

After Wen's mother massaged Wen Jiahui and turned her head again, she realized that Wen Jianing had gone back to the house, and her face sank again.

He wanted to trouble Wen Jianing again, but when he thought that Wen Jiahui hadn't had breakfast yet, he had to put it down first, then went to the kitchen and asked his aunt to bring breakfast to Wen Jiahui's room.

After explaining to the aunt, Wen's mother didn't stay in the living room too much, but went out.She decided to go to the elders of the Wen family to see if she could send Wen Jianing back.

Since the two elders of the Wen family raised Wen Jianing by their side since they were young, now that she has become like this, it is because the two elders did not teach them well, and she wants to return the goods.

In Wen's mother's view, a sister who can be cruel to her sister and almost ruin her appearance is not worthy of being a sister.

Therefore, she planned to talk about this matter with the two elders of the Wen family, and it would be best if they could get Wen Jianing to go back again.She acted as if she had never given birth to this daughter.

Moreover, she really can't afford such a daughter, and she beat her sister hard after she came back not long ago.She was worried that Wen Jianing would do something to her next time.

It was still early for Wen's mother to go, and the two elders of the Wen family just woke up. When they heard that Wen Jianing's mother had arrived, they looked at each other. Grandma Wen asked, "Why is she here?"

"You'll know if you go and have a look." Mr. Wen said while beckoning his wife to go out and have a look.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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