ace warm marriage

Chapter 749 The Mother's Complaint

Chapter 749 Mother's Complaint ([-])

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Grandma Wen got up and left the room as she spoke, heading towards the living room.

"Mom!" Mother Wen stood up immediately when she saw Mrs. Wen, and called out respectfully.

"Yawen, why are you free to come over today?" Mrs. Wen asked as she sat down on the sofa next to her.

"Mom, I came here specially to find you today."

Mother Wen glanced at Mrs. Wen, and suppressed the hatred in her eyes.

Mother Wen has always hated Mrs. Wen.Because they insisted on taking Wen Jianing away at the beginning, she has hated the two elders of the Wen family ever since.

She even suffered from depression because of it.It wasn't until she became pregnant with Wen Jiahui that she slowly got better, and then gradually accepted the fact that Wen Jianing was not by her side.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Wen glanced at Wen's mother and asked lightly.This wen mother is a master who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but she never comes here for nothing.

Of course, it's not that Mrs. Wen is ignorant of the knot in Wen's mother's heart, she is nothing more than blaming her for taking Wen Jianing away.

"Mom, help me take care of Jianing." Mother Wen raised her head, praying to Mrs. Wen.She really didn't want Wen Jianing to live at home anymore. When she saw Wen Jianing, she would think of what happened back then.

Although it has been more than 20 years, she still can't let go.For more than 20 years, she has always thought that she did not have a daughter Wen Jianing, so now she lives with them, like a stranger, an intruder, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with Ning Ning?" Mrs. Wen frowned, with a worried look on her face.They love Wen Jianing, and the reason why they kicked her out is to teach Wen Jianing a lesson, a warning.

She didn't want Wen Jianing to do anything because of this. After all, it was her granddaughter who had been in pain for more than 20 years, so she really gave up when she said she gave up.

They are not used to Wen Jianing not being by their side these days.But he couldn't find a step to let Wen Jianing come back, so he kept procrastinating like this.

"Mom, don't you know that last night, Jianing and Huihui fought, tore off a piece of Huihui's scalp, and almost disfigured Huihui." Mother Wen told Mrs. Wen what happened last night , Of course, she adhered to the principle of partiality, and never said that Wen Jianing was also injured.

"Huihui is hurt so badly, what about Ningning? Is she hurt?" Mrs. Wen's complexion changed, she stared at Wen's mother, and asked.What she cares most about is Wen Jianing, who is her granddaughter whom she has loved for more than 20 years.

"She, she also hurt her face." Mother Wen stammered back. She was very repulsed by Mrs. Wen's question about Wen Jianing's injury, but she had to answer.

"You hurt your face too?" Mrs. Wen's voice became louder. What can I do if my face is hurt? It might be disfigured.

So, she hurriedly stood up, ignored Wen's mother, and went back to the room directly, and said to Mr. Wen who was sitting in the room reading: "Old man, Ningning is injured, I'll go and bring her back. "

"Injured? What's the matter?" Old Man Wen's complexion also changed. Although he felt a little bit of hatred towards Wen Jianing, the anger in his heart has almost disappeared for more than a month.

So, after hearing this, I was also very worried.

"I didn't ask."

After hearing this, Mr. Wen didn't blame her.I knew that my wife was too worried about my granddaughter, so when I heard that Wen Jianing was injured, I panicked and didn't have time to ask anything.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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