ace warm marriage

Chapter 750 The Mother's Complaint

Chapter 750

Mr. Wen stood up and said to Mrs. Wen: "Old lady, let's go ask Yawen together to see what's going on?"

"Okay!" Mrs. Wen nodded, walked out of the room together, and returned to the living room again.

Mother Wen has been sitting in the living room waiting, feeling extremely anxious.She knew how much the two elders of the Wen family valued and loved Wen Jianing, and was worried that if they found out that Wen Jianing was disfigured, they would be angry and blame them.

It wasn't until she heard footsteps that she raised her head. Seeing that Mr. Wen had also come out, she was even more worried. She stood up and called softly, "Dad, Mom!"

"Yawen, I heard from your mother that Ningning and Huihui fought and they were injured. What's going on?"

Although Mr. Wen loves Wen Jianing more in his heart, he still pays more attention to his tone and wording in front of Wen's mother, trying to be impartial and keep a bowl of water level, so as not to cause Wen's mother's dissatisfaction.

"Dad, it's not that I said I want Carrian, it's not that I'm partial, it's that Carrian is too much. You don't know, since she came back with us, she came back very late every day, and when she came back, I don’t know how to be lighter, and the noise is so loud that everyone can’t sleep.”

"Last night, Huihui was woken up by her, so she got up and said a few words to her, who knew that the two started fighting. Then Jianing tore off a piece of Huihui's scalp, and scratched her face. Jia Ning himself didn't get it right, and Huihui scratched her face a few times."

"Did you go to the doctor? What did the doctor say?" Old Man Wen frowned, with a worried look on his face.

He knew how important this face was to a girl.Although Wen's mother said it lightly, he felt that the matter was a little serious, so he asked this question.

"The doctor said to pay attention, the wound on the face should not be exposed to the wind, otherwise it will easily leave scars and even disfigure."

"What, it's so serious." Mrs. Wen's complexion changed, she stared at Wen's mother and said, "Yawen, I'm not talking about you. How did you become a mother? How could you let the two sisters make such a mess?"

"Mom, tell me now. If you didn't know at the beginning..."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Without waiting for Wen's mother to finish her complaint, Mr. Wen interrupted: "Since the two children are injured, we should go and see as grandparents."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Wen yelled directly to the outside: "Old Li, prepare the car, we have to go out."

"Okay, master!" There was a reply from outside, and then old man Wen stood up and said, "Let's go, old lady, let's go see Ningning and Huihui."

Mrs. Wen and Mother Wen also stood up and followed Mr. Wen out of the house.

In the yard, Lao Li had already prepared the car and was standing in front of the car waiting for the second elder.

Wen's mother came by her own car, so she didn't share the same car with the second elder, but followed them and returned home together.

Wen Jianing and Wen Jiahui stayed in their rooms without taking a break, one was reading and the other was playing with the phone.Hearing the movement in the yard outside, they all walked to the window and looked outside.

When Wen Jianing saw the car of the second elder of the Wen family and got out of the car, he couldn't help being overjoyed.Turning around, she was about to leave the room.But when she reached the door of the room, she stopped suddenly.

She wants to leave here and return to the second elder's side, this is an opportunity.

So she unlocked the door, went back to her room, and sat down on the bed, pretending to be devastated.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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