ace warm marriage

Chapter 751 Carrian's Scheming

Chapter 751 Carrian's Scheming
When the two elders of the Wen family went up to the second floor, they first went to see Wen Jiahui.Sure enough, as Wen's mother said, Wen Jiahui not only got her scalp hurt, but was also caught and disfigured.

Seeing her hugging her head like a zongzi, Grandma Wen became more and more worried about Wen Jianing.So, she didn't stay in Wen Jiahui's room for long, and after saying a few words of concern, she dragged Mr. Wen to Wen Jianing's room.

Grandma Wen pushed open the door of the room, saw Wen Jianing who was sitting on the bed in a daze, felt the despair emanating from her body, felt pain in her heart, and quickly stepped forward and shouted: "Ning Ning!"

Wen Jianing turned her head in a daze, glanced at Grandma Wen, and then tears fell from her eyes.

"Ning Ning, you have suffered!" Mrs. Wen stepped forward and hugged Wen Jianing.

Hearing this, Wen Jianing's eyes flickered, and then the tears in his eyes flowed even more fiercely.

"Ning Ning, don't cry, don't cry, I heard that your face is injured, and it won't be good if the tears get on the wound." Mrs. Wen said while reaching out to help Wen Jianing wipe away the tears from her eyes.

"Grandma!" Wen Jianing called Grandma Wen, looked up and saw Old Man Wen standing in front of her, was slightly startled, and then called again: "Grandpa!"

"Ningning, tell grandma what's going on, why did you and Jiahui fight?" Mrs. Wen asked.Obviously, she didn't believe Wenmu's words.

Grandma Wen didn't know about Mother Wen's eccentricity.It's like she is also partial to Wen Jianing, her heart is biased, and the words she said are naturally watery.

"Grandma, it's my fault." Wen Jianing only said one word, as for why the two of them behaved like this, she didn't explain a single word.

But it was precisely because of this that Grandma Wen felt that Wen Jianing had been wronged so much in this family that she dared not even tell the truth.He even felt that his guess was not wrong, and this fight might not be Wen Jianing's fault.

Thinking of Wen Jianing's life here is so bad, and thinking of Wen's mother and eccentricity, and Wen's father's indifference, Grandma Wen felt very distressed, and immediately decided in her heart that Wen Jianing could not be here anymore.

So, she let go of Wen Jianing slightly, looked at her and asked, "Ning Ning, are you still willing to go back with grandparents?"

"Grandma, what you said is true?" Wen Jianing stared blankly at Mrs. Wen, with an expression of disbelief.But she was overjoyed in her heart.She thought to herself, as expected, she made the right move, and she could finally return to the second elder's side again.

"Of course!" Mrs. Wen nodded seriously. Seeing Wen Jianing like this, she was really worried about leaving her at home.

It's only been a few days since she came back, and her face was almost ruined.If you stay longer, what will happen, no one knows.

"But..." Wen Jianing didn't immediately agree, but looked up at Mr. Wen.She knew that the person who could really make the decision was not Grandma Wen, but her grandfather, Mr. Wen.

Seeing Wen Jianing's actions, Grandma Wen still has something unclear.So, she glanced at old man Wen and called out, "Old man."

How can Mr. Wen not understand what his wife means, he just wants him to make a statement.So, he glanced at Wen Jianing lightly, and snorted coldly, "It's up to you!"

Although he didn't agree directly, both Mrs. Wen and Wen Jianing knew that the old man agreed, so the two became happy.

"Ning Ning, grandma will help you pack up, let's go." Grandma Wen stood up and helped Wen Jianing pack up.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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