Chapter 755
"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mr. Si listened to Sheng Fenghua's persuasion, stopped talking about this topic, and asked her about some things abroad.

In order not to worry Mr. Si, Sheng Fenghua chose some good things to say.

The grandfather and grandson were talking, when the butler suddenly walked in and said to Mr. Si, "Master, Mrs. Wen is here."

"What is she here for?" Mr. Si frowned, a little puzzled.It had been months since they last visited.Come here suddenly today, what's the matter?

Sheng Fenghua heard that Mrs. Wen was coming, looked up at Mr. Si, and said, "Grandpa, how about I avoid it?"

"Alright, go upstairs to the study room and have a look. There are quite a few books in there, see if there are any you like." Mr. Si couldn't guess Mrs. Wen's intentions, so he thought Sheng Fenghua should avoid it first. good.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded with a smile, and then went upstairs.

Not long after she left, the butler brought Mrs. Wen into the living room.He glanced at Sheng Fenghua's absence, and knew that he might have gone upstairs, so he asked a servant to bring her a glass of juice up.

Sheng Fenghua was picking out books to read in the study, when he heard a knock on the door, he shouted, "Come in!"

"Young Madam, the butler asked me to bring you juice."

"Thank you, let's put it there." Sheng Fenghua thanked, and after asking the servant to put down the things, he secretly said: This housekeeper is indeed Mr. Si's confidant, and he is really thorough in everything he does, without leaking anything.

Downstairs, in the living room, Mrs. Wen had already sat down opposite Mr. Si.

"Drink tea!" Mr. Si poured a cup of tea for Mrs. Wen, handed it to her, then poured himself another cup, and drank it.From beginning to end, he never asked Mrs. Wen why she came.

Mr. Si knew that Mrs. Wen would tell her why she came sooner or later.

Sure enough, when Mr. Si had drunk half of his tea, Mrs. Wen spoke up and said, "Brother Si, I came here today to ask for something."

"I don't know what my brother and sister are asking for?" Mr. Si asked Mrs. Wen with a flat look.

"Brother Si, it's like this. I heard that Mu Feng's face was disfigured before, but after applying a medicine, his face became much better. I don't know if this is the case?"

"Indeed!" Mr. Si nodded, and then asked, "I don't know why my brother and sister are asking about this?"

"Brother Si, to be honest, my family, Ning Ning, got hurt on his face yesterday. The doctor said that it might leave scars, so I want to ask what kind of medicine Mu Feng is using, can you tell me the name of the medicine, so that it can help My family Ning Ning bought some."

"Jianing's face hurt?" Mr. Si was a little surprised. Although the two families failed to get married, he also watched Wen Jianing grow up.When I heard that she was injured, and it was still on her face, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Yes, that's why I have the cheek to ask Brother Si."

Mr. Si looked at Mrs. Wen with some confusion, because he knew that the medicine was not bought outside, but made by Sheng Fenghua, so he didn't know how to answer Mrs. Wen for a while.

Seeing Mr. Si's embarrassment, Mrs. Wen's complexion was a little grim, but when she thought that Wen Jianing's face might be disfigured, she had to endure it and said, "Brother Si, did I make things difficult for you?"

"Sister and sister, it's not that I didn't tell you the name of the medicine, but that the medicine was not bought outside, but someone specially prepared it for Mu Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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