ace warm marriage

Chapter 756 What do you think?

Chapter 756 What do you think?
"Didn't you buy it?" Mrs. Wen was a little surprised and looked at Mr. Si.He thought to himself, no wonder Mr. Si was so unhappy, so the medicine was not bought.

She just said, it's just a drug name, is it so embarrassing?
No, but she misunderstood him.

"I didn't buy it."

"Then I don't know if Brother Si knows who the person who dispensed this medicine is. Can you tell me the phone number of the other party, and I will go to the other party myself." Mrs. Wen suggested.Since I don't know the name of the medicine, and I can't buy it outside, then Mr. Si should know who the other party is.

As long as you have the contact information of the other party, with the Wen family's reputation and status, it should not be difficult to obtain this medicine.

Mr. Si wanted to name Sheng Fenghua, but after thinking about it, Wen Jianing hadn't given up on Si Zhanbei until now.I don't know if Sheng Fenghua will be willing, so I thought for a while and said, "My brother and sister are sorry, I have to ask the other party before I can tell you her contact information."

"Okay, then please Brother Si to contact the other party now, and I will wait here." Mrs. Wen's attitude of not giving up without getting the contact information of the other party made Mr. Si a little displeased.

However, he didn't say much, instead he stood up and said, "I'll look for her contact information, and please wait for a while."

After speaking, he walked towards the stairs.

Mr. Si went up to the second floor and entered the study.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised to see Mr. Si coming up at this meeting. Logically speaking, Mrs. Wen should have just arrived for a while.

Moreover, she didn't hear the other party leaving, so she was a little puzzled why Mr. Si left the guest behind and came upstairs by himself.

"Daughter-in-law of Zhanbei, I have something to talk to you about."

"Grandpa, tell me what's going on." Sheng Fenghua put down the book in his hand and looked at Mr. Si.

"It's like this. Mrs. Wen said just now that Wen Jianing hurt her face and wanted some ointment you gave Mu Feng earlier. Look?"

"Wen Jianing hurt his face?" Sheng Fenghua frowned slightly. If she remembered correctly, Wen Jianing called Si Zhanbei in the middle of the night last night, saying that she was injured.

Could it be that her face was hurt there?
But what Sheng Fenghua didn't understand was why she called Si Zhanbei instead of going to the hospital to see a doctor when she was injured?

Could it be that Si Zhanbei would be distressed if she thought she was injured?
Sheng Fenghua couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think about it any more.Instead, he looked at Mr. Si and asked, "Mrs. Wen came here specially to ask for ointment today?"

"Yes, she said she wanted your contact information, and then contacted you herself. What do you think?"

"Grandpa, it's okay to tell her. However, I guess Wen Jianing would not dare to take the medicine I gave you."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua took out a note on the table, wrote down his number, handed it to Mr. Si, and said, "Grandpa, just give this to her."

"Okay, I'll give it to her right now." Si Zhanbei picked up the sticky note, turned around and went downstairs.

Mrs. Wen has been waiting below. The tea on the cup has already been finished, and she didn't add any more, but waited quietly.

When she saw Mr. Si coming down, she was slightly relieved.

The waiting was really hard. Although it took less than 5 minutes to add up, she felt that she had waited for a long, long time.

"Brother Si?" Mrs. Wen couldn't wait for Mr. Si to sit down.Because she had already seen the paper that Mr. Si was holding.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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