ace warm marriage

Chapter 757 Does She Dare To Use It?

Chapter 757 Does She Dare To Use It?
Mr. Si naturally knew what the other party meant, so he directly handed the note to her, and said: "This is the other party's phone number. She said that Carrian might not dare to use the things she made."

"Brother Si, what do you mean?" Mrs. Wen frowned and looked at Mr. Si puzzled.

"You may not know that the ointment was formulated by Zhan Bei's wife. Tell me, if Jianing knew about it, would she dare to use it?" Mr. Si didn't hide anything, and directly brought Sheng Fenghua out.

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Wen was taken aback, and said, "Is the ointment made by Zhan Bei's wife?"

"Yes, Zhan Bei's wife is a doctor." Mr. Si explained lightly, and stopped talking.But Mrs. Wen was stunned. She didn't even know that Sheng Fenghua was a doctor, and he seemed to be quite good at medicine.

Otherwise, there is no ointment with that effect.If she really told Wen Jianing that the ointment was formulated by Sheng Fenghua, according to Wen Jianing's temperament, she might not dare to use it.

Thinking about it, Mrs. Wen looked down at the sticky note in her hand again. Looking at the handwriting on it, she knew that it was not written by Mr. Si.

So, she looked up at Mr. Si and asked, "Is Zhanbei's wife upstairs?"

"That's right!" Mr. Si nodded.

"I don't know if I can see her?" Mrs. Wen thought for a while, and made a request. She wanted to talk to Sheng Fenghua in person, and asked her to help Wen Jianing take a look.

She felt that since Sheng Fenghua could dispense ointment for scars, his medical skills would definitely be no worse than those doctors in the hospital, or even better.

Moreover, she also heard a piece of news a while ago, that is, it seems that a young doctor was sent to country M to see Mrs. Dai Lisi.

At that time, she was still thinking, after all, it was the doctor who was so powerful and so lucky that he was assigned by the superior to treat Mrs. Dai Lisi.

Now it seems that the doctor is probably Sheng Fenghua.

If this is the case, then she will finally understand the question that she has been unable to understand before.No wonder Mr. Si would agree that a girl from the countryside like Sheng Fenghua would marry Si Zhanbei and become the young wife of the Si family.

It turned out that it was because of her medical skills.

Mr. Si glanced at Mrs. Wen, thought for a while, and then told the housekeeper, "Butler Wang, go and invite Young Madam down, saying that Mrs. Wen wants to see her."

"Okay, master!" Wang Butler replied, then turned and went upstairs to call Sheng Fenghua.

"Young Madam!" Steward Wang walked into the study, looked at Sheng Fenghua and shouted.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua looked away from the book, glanced at Steward Wang, and asked.

"Young madam, the master invites you to go down. He said that Mrs. Wen wants to see you." Steward Wang transferred Mr. Si's words to Sheng Fenghua, and told her the reason why Mr. Si asked her to go down.

After listening to Steward Wang's words, Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised, then stood up directly, and went downstairs with Steward Wang.

When Mrs. Wen saw Sheng Fenghua coming down the stairs, her eyes flickered, and she thought to herself: This Sheng Fenghua is indeed here.

"Grandpa, Mrs. Wen." Sheng Fenghua came to the two elders and greeted them with a smile.

"Daughter-in-law of Zhanbei, Mrs. Wen wants to see you."

Sheng Fenghua smiled at Mr. Si, then turned to look at Mrs. Wen, and asked, "I wonder what Mrs. Wen wants to see me for?"

"Miss Sheng, I heard Brother Si say that you can dispense medicine?" Mrs. Wen didn't call her 'Wife of Zhanbei' like Mr. Si or others.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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