Chapter 761
"There's nothing wrong with it." Mrs. Wen looked indifferent. Anyway, Wen Jianing has hurt her face now. If she can squeeze Sheng Fenghua down and marry Si Zhanbei, that would be great.

Moreover, she believed that Wen Jianing would also agree with her idea.

Didn't Sheng Fenghua want her to quit?She didn't, she wanted to do the opposite, to let Sheng Fenghua know what would happen if she didn't give her face.

Wait for Wen Jianing to snatch Si Zhanbei back, and wait for Sheng Fenghua's reputation to be ruined, let's see how proud she can be.

Do you think it's great to have some medical skills?If no one supports her, and there is no backer behind her, will she still be famous?
Seeing his wife like this, Mr. Wen couldn't say anything more.I could only sigh in my heart, it has been so many years, and her temper still hasn't changed.

I just hope that this time, she won't embarrass herself too much.Although he only met Sheng Fenghua, he could still tell that Sheng Fenghua was not a good stubble.Since she dared to say those words, she must not be afraid of their revenge.

Therefore, Mr. Wen only hopes that his wife will not steal chickens and lose money by then.

After Mrs. Wen said her plan, she didn't stay in the living room too much, but got up and went to find Wen Jianing.Since Wen Jianing started the matter, let her end it.

Wen Jianing was sitting in the room reading a book, although he couldn't go out, he was quite content.I don't know if it's because of moving back or something else, but she seems to be in a good mood today.

Looking at the book, there was a faint smile on her brows and eyes. If it wasn't for the gauze covering her face, she would look very peaceful.

The door of her room was not locked, and when she heard the knock on the door, she said directly, "Please come in!"

Mrs. Wen opened the door and went in, seeing Wen Jianing reading a book with a faint smile on her face.She has always liked Wen Jianing's eagerness to learn.

Seeing that she was injured, but she still couldn't leave the book, the anger in her heart that was aroused by Sheng Fenghua miraculously faded away.

"Ning Ning, I'm reading a book!" Mrs. Wen walked to Wen Jianing's side, sat down, turned her head and quietly glanced at the book in Wen Jianing's hand.

"It's nothing, so read a book to pass the time." Wen Jianing smiled, then put the book down, then turned to look at Mrs. Wen and said, "Grandma, why are you here? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Ning Ning, you know that grandma is always for your own good, right?" Madam Wen looked at Wen Jianing and suddenly said earnestly.

"I know, because grandma is the best person in the world to me." Wen Jianing nodded. Grandma Wen treated her really well.Without Grandma Wen, she would not be where she is today.

"So, whatever grandma asks you to do, it's for your own good."

Wen Jianing's heart sank slightly, but he still nodded and said, "I understand!"

"Just understand!" Seeing that Wen Jianing is so sensible, Mrs. Wen felt relieved, and then told her about going to the Si's house today, and about what she was angry with, as well as her plan to deal with it. Sheng Fenghua also told her one by one.

After hearing Mrs. Wen's words, Wen Jianing was shocked, and said with a face of self-blame: "Grandma, I'm sorry, because I have wronged you."

Mrs. Wen waved her hand, and then said: "This grievance is nothing, the most important thing is that you want to fight for grandma, you have to take back the position of Mrs. Si, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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