ace warm marriage

Chapter 762 Love Believe It or Not

Chapter 762 Love Believe It or Not
"Grandma, don't worry, I won't let you down." Wen Jianing looked determined.Even if Mrs. Wen didn't say anything, she would try her best to get Si Zhanbei back.

That was the man she had identified since she was a child, how could she marry someone else.

As for Sheng Fenghua, let her be arrogant for a few days.When her injury heals a bit, it's time for her to act.

"Ning Ning, you are doing well." Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Jianing with satisfaction, she was still very confident in the child she had raised.

Wen Jianing was a little embarrassed by Mrs. Wen's praise, and quickly lowered her head.But because he moved too fast, he pulled the wound on his face, and couldn't help but gasped.

Seeing Wen Jianing's actions, Mrs. Wen couldn't help feeling distressed again, and said: "Ning Ning, this Sheng Fenghua heard that her medical skills are good, can you think of a way to ask her to prepare some ointment for you? Come and wipe it on. After all, a woman's face is too important."

After finishing speaking, she took out Sheng Fenghua's phone number, which was the note that Mr. Si gave her before, and said, "Ning Ning, this is her phone number. If it is inconvenient for you to come forward, see if you can ask someone else to come forward." .”

"Grandma, I see." Wen Jianing took the note and glanced at the number.It was exactly the same as what Sheng Fenghua gave himself before.

"Okay, then you have a good rest, grandma will go out first. As for what grandma said before, there is no rush, you can do it a few days later."

"Okay, grandma." Wen Jianing nodded in agreement, but after Grandma Wen left, she didn't rest, but called Wen Jiahui.

Wen Jiahui was idly watching TV at home, and she was quite surprised to receive a call from Wen Jianing.Although she and Wen Jianing are sisters, they are more like enemies.Not to mention that the two had a fierce fight a few days ago, even when there was no fight, the two didn't talk much.

But today, Wen Jianing actually called, isn't it surprising?
After thinking about it, Wen Jiahui still picked up the phone.No matter what Wen Jianing has, she still listens first before speaking.

The phone was connected, and before Wen Jiahui could ask, Wen Jianing said directly: "Wen Jiahui, I have some good news for you. I know that there is someone who can make an ointment that can remove scars. Do you want it?"

Wen Jiahui was taken aback, and after a while, she said, "Wen Jianing, are you so kind? Could it be that there is something wrong with the ointment?"

"Measuring the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." Wen Jianing snorted coldly, and then said, "Believe it or not. If it wasn't for the sake of you being my sister, I wouldn't tell you the news Woolen cloth."

"Wen Jianing, don't do this in front of me. You'll think of me as your sister, stop joking." Wen Jiahui doesn't believe in Wen Jianing's sister's deep affection at all. For Wen Jia She knew best what kind of person Ning was.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to do? You wouldn't be so kind to tell me the good news, would you?" Wen Jiahui asked coldly.

For a person like Wen Jianing who has no profit and can't afford it early, she doesn't believe a word of what she said just now.

Wen Jianing knew that Wen Jiahui would not believe that she had such a kind heart, not to mention Wen Jiahui, even she herself did not believe that she would be so kind, so she didn't hide it anymore, and said directly: "I and that People are a bit hostile, so if you can buy that ointment, share some with me."

"Wen Jianing, I knew you didn't follow your good intentions. You made a good plan and asked me to buy ointment for you. Do you think I'm a fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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