ace warm marriage

Chapter 788 Small Punishment Carrian

Chapter 788 Small Punishment Carrian ([-])

Of course, these are not the reasons for his difficult life, but because he refused to admit his crimes, so the police had to use some special interrogation methods against him, the special methods only for diehards.

He once thought that he would not be able to make it through, but in the end he made it through.It's just that the more he doesn't recruit, the more pain he will suffer later.

But in order not to wear himself out of the prison, or even lose his life, Wu Qing still didn't speak.

There was no breakthrough on Wuqing's side, so the police couldn't help but called Sheng Fenghua and asked her if there was anything she could do.

Originally, the police didn't have much hope. After all, they even used special torture methods, but Ruqing still refused to speak, let alone Sheng Fenghua?

But after they had seen Sheng Fenghua's methods, and heard Wuqing obediently explain all the crimes he committed, they were all surprised.

They have all seen how ruthless it is.But he didn't want to, Sheng Fenghua only had a few stitches, and let the other party confess.

"Miss Sheng, how did you do this?" The captain of the criminal police looked at Sheng Fenghua curiously as he looked at the materials he had ruthlessly confessed to.

"It's nothing, I just gave him a few needles." Sheng Fenghua shook the silver needle that he hadn't had time to put away.

"A needle?" Hearing this, everyone became more curious and gathered around Sheng Fenghua.

"Yes, needle!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, grabbed the hand of a little policeman, and then pricked his arm, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Somewhat numb."

"That's right, what I pierced was the numb point of your hand. Similarly, when I pierced Wuqing before, I was specifically looking for the acupuncture point that would make him miserable."

"Once this person is in unbearable pain and life is worse than death, he can't bear it even if he wants to die." Sheng Fenghua explained, which made everyone admire him even more.

Some policemen even wanted to learn a few tricks from Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua didn't hide it when he fell down, and simply taught a few tricks to prick the acupuncture points, and then he left under everyone's reluctant eyes.

Back at the apartment, Sheng Fenghua received a call from Grandma Ning asking her to come over.

Sheng Fenghua saw that nothing was wrong, so he drove directly to Ning's house.

"Madam Si is here." The servant of the Ning family saw Sheng Fenghua coming, and immediately welcomed her into the living room.

Mrs. Ning had been waiting for her for a long time, and when she saw Sheng Fenghua beckoning, she said, "Zhan Bei's wife is here, come and sit down."

"Grandma Ning!" Sheng Fenghua stepped forward with a smile and sat down opposite Mrs. Ning.Old Madam Ning watched, stretched out her hand and patted the seat beside her and said, "Girl Fenghua, sit beside me."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, got up, walked to Mrs. Ning and sat down.

When Sheng Fenghua sat down, Mrs. Ning grabbed her hand and asked kindly: "Girl Fenghua, I heard that you and Zhan Bei are going to have a wedding."

"Yes, Grandma Ning." Sheng Fenghua nodded, with a happy smile on his face.

"It should be. I mentioned that boy Zhanbei last time. Although you two have obtained a certificate, the wedding is still indispensable. For us women, this marriage is the top priority, so don't be careless."

Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, and quietly listened to Grandma Ning talking about the importance of holding a wedding for women.

Grandma Ning talked for a long time before asking: "Girl Fenghua, how are your preparations for the wedding going? Do you want Grandma Ning to help?"

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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