ace warm marriage

Chapter 789 Propose Acknowledgment

Chapter 789 Proposal to recognize relatives ([-])

As soon as this remark came out, Sheng Fenghua felt a little embarrassed, and said: "Grandma Ning, I don't know too well, the wedding is all arranged by Zhan Bei, and I didn't even interfere."

Grandma Ning was stunned for a long while before she said: "You girl!"

Sheng Fenghua didn't dare to look at Grandma Ning, her face flushed slightly, and she became more and more embarrassed.She is probably the first one to ignore her wedding.

Grandma Ning didn't say much, she just tightened the hand holding Sheng Fenghua's hand, and then said: "It's not your fault, after all, you don't have any female elders around you."

"But it doesn't matter. Grandma has a crush on you and has long regarded you as her granddaughter. Grandma will help you worry about the wedding."

"Grandma Ning, no need, Zhan Bei will take care of it." Sheng Fenghua didn't want Grandma Ning to be troubled, and refused with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Ning's face was slightly gloomy, she pretended to be angry, and said, "Girl Fenghua, are you looking down on Grandma?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean, I just don't want you to be too hard." Sheng Fenghua shook her head immediately, she really didn't want to tire Grandma Ning because of her own affairs.After all, Grandma Ning is old, even if she is in good health, she can't stand such hard work.

"It's okay, grandma is still strong. Call Zhan Bei later and ask him how his preparations are going. There are some things that Zhan Bei can prepare, but some things are better prepared by our daughter's family."

"Grandma, I don't know what to prepare." Sheng Fenghua felt embarrassed again, although she also used Baidu before, but there was everything on the Internet, which made her not know who to listen to.

"Don't worry, grandma has everything." Grandma Ning comforted Sheng Fenghua, since she decided to help her, she would naturally not hide her secrets.

The wedding of this family cannot be sloppy, there are many things to prepare, and there are many things to pay attention to.

"Thank you, Grandma Ning!" Sheng Fenghua thanked with a smile. She was still apprehensive before, afraid that she would be rude at that time.Hearing what Grandma Ning said now, she felt much more at ease.

Moreover, she regretted slightly in her heart, she should have asked Grandma Ning earlier.

"Why are you being polite?" Grandma Ning said to Sheng Fenghua with a smile, and then took her directly to her room, saying that she would give her a gift.

Sheng Fenghua followed Grandma Ning into the room and watched her take down an old box from a cabinet.Just seeing the box, Sheng Fenghua knew that the things inside were of great value, so he instinctively refused.

But before she opened her mouth, Grandma Ning said: "Girl Fenghua, no matter whether it is valuable or not, this thing is Grandma Ning's wish, but you can't refuse. Otherwise, Grandma Ning will be sad."

It's all said and done, Sheng Fenghua's refusal can no longer be said.

Grandma Ning opened the box, took out a pair of snow-white jade bracelets, and was about to put them on Sheng Fenghua's hands.

When Sheng Fenghua saw it, he withdrew his hand and said, "Grandma Ning, you can't help it."

"Girl Fenghua, didn't I just say what I said in vain?" Grandma Ning became upset and stared at Sheng Fenghua.She had known that Sheng Fenghua would refuse, so she said that as soon as she opened her mouth.

But she didn't want to, she said that, Sheng Fenghua still wanted to refuse.

"Grandma Ning, this thing is too precious." Sheng Fenghua was a little embarrassed, even though she knew that what Grandma Ning brought out must be extremely valuable.But I didn't expect it to be so precious.

(End of this chapter)

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