ace warm marriage

Chapter 800 Debunking Lies

Chapter 800 Debunking the Lies ([-])

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the two elders of the Ning family softened their expressions when they saw that she did not reject their own intentions, and then looked at each other before saying, "Fenghua, we can keep things for you. However, this thing is yours, it is yours. In the future, when you want to use it, you can just ask us to get it. "

"Okay, then I'll trouble grandpa and grandma." Sheng Fenghua laughed, and the Ning family would at least feel at ease even if it was still in her name if this thing was placed with the second elder.

After settling the equity issue, Sheng Fenghua talked with the second elder in the room for a while, seeing that it was already eleven o'clock, he immediately urged the second elder to go to rest.

The two elders of the Ning family settled one of their concerns and relaxed their mood. If it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua to talk and chat with them, they would have been sleepy long ago.

It would seem that it was getting late, so I didn't insist any more, and went directly to bed to rest.

Seeing the two elders lay down, Sheng Fenghua helped them cover the quilt again, then turned off the lights and left.

What she didn't know was that after she left, the second elder's eyes opened and closed again, and a smile appeared on his face.

Back in his room, Si Zhanbei hadn't come back yet, Sheng Fenghua didn't wait for him, went to take a shower, and went straight to bed.

Lying on the bed, thinking of what Wen Jianing had done today, Sheng Fenghua's eyes were full of coldness.Then he took out his phone and called.

It seems that the lessons learned a few days ago were not enough, and this Wen Jianing actually gave her a lesson, she doesn't mind teaching her a few more lessons.

Sheng Fenghua said a few words to the other party, then hung up the phone, closed his eyes and went to rest.

At this time, not only Wen Jianing did not rest in the Wen family, but even the elders of the Wen family did not go to bed.

They sat in the living room and looked at Wen Jianing with ugly expressions on their faces.Especially Mrs. Wen, who lost so much face today, and even in front of her old friends, how can she be in a good mood.

After leaving Ning's house, she never spoke to Wen Jianing on the way back.Even when I got home, I never spoke.

It was Mrs. Wen who saw that his wife was angry and asked what was going on. Only then did Mrs. Wen tell the embarrassing thing about today.

When Mr. Wen heard that Wen Jianing had embarrassed them again, he became in a bad mood.No, he didn't even let Wen Jianing sleep, and called her directly to the living room, intending to talk to her, maybe teach her.

This Wen Jianing has not improved in his work, which really makes him angry and annoyed.Say too much, say too much, and I'm afraid Wen Jianing won't be able to accept it.

Let's not talk about it, what Wen Jianing did is really unacceptable.

Her thoughts are good, but every time the result is not good for her.Every time Mr. Wen thinks of this, he can't wait to stuff Wen Jianing back into Mother Wen's belly to recreate it.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm sorry, I let you down again." Wen Jianing lowered his head, not daring to look at the two elders of the Wen family.

She was always proud of her intelligence, but somehow it was of no use to Sheng Fenghua.

In the past, everything she did was successful, but now she failed everywhere.This made her even wonder if she had become stupid, otherwise how could this be the result?

"Ningning, it's not that grandpa told you to use more brains when doing things. Do you know? Look at the things you have done recently, which one is satisfactory? Not only did you fail to hit your opponent, but you caught up with yourself. You Don’t you know how to reflect on yourself?”

 The sixth watch is over.

(End of this chapter)

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