ace warm marriage

Chapter 801 Turning against each other

Chapter 801 Turning against each other ([-])

"Grandpa, Ningning was wrong. Ningning will definitely reflect on herself in the future and make improvements." Wen Jianing looked sincere, and she had already reassessed Sheng Fenghua in her heart. If she made another move, she would definitely not be like this Hasty.

However, for the time being, she will not make any more moves.She had to think carefully about how to hit Sheng Fenghua with one hit.

"You have to think about a way recently, come and discuss with grandpa before you make a move." Old Man Wen saw Wen Jianing's modest look, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, he confessed, and let her go back to rest.

Wen Jianing said goodnight to the elders of the Wen family, and then went back to her room to rest.

When Wen Jianing left, Mr. Wen turned his head to look at his wife, and comforted him: "My wife, don't be angry, Ning Ning is still young, it is inevitable that she will not do things properly, wait for her to experience more things, it will be fine." gone."

"I'm worried that Ning Ning is not the opponent of Sheng Fenghua." Mrs. Wen knew that Sheng Fenghua was not easy, but she didn't take her seriously.But today, seeing her in front of everyone, she was still surprised to let that man change his mouth to testify against the person behind the scenes.

If Sheng Fenghua used some improper means or tough means to get the man to confess, that's fine.

But she was useless, she just stepped forward to help the other party, and the other party successfully defected, which really shocked and surprised her.

In Mrs. Wen's opinion, this is absolutely impossible.But Sheng Fenghua did it.She thought about it all the way, but she didn't even understand how Sheng Fenghua did it.

Mrs. Wen believed that if it were anyone else, the man named Yuan Ming might not change his words.

But Sheng Fenghua made her change her mind, which made her very afraid.

"I have already said that she is not a simple woman." Old Man Wen looked at his wife and sighed.From the first time they met, he knew that Sheng Fenghua was not an ordinary woman.

Otherwise, from Si Zhanbei's point of view, how could he fall in love with a woman who wants to be born but has no family background, and does not necessarily have much help if she wants to help.

Even if Sheng Fenghua has opened a small company by himself now, in the eyes of Mr. Wen, these are all trivial matters.

Therefore, there must be something else about Sheng Fenghua that attracted Si Zhanbei.It's just that he still doesn't know exactly what it is.

Of course, he also heard about Sheng Fenghua's medical skills, and they were pretty good.Several old friends in the circle are inquiring about this matter.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter at first, thinking that even if Sheng Fenghua's medical skills are good, but she is a little girl, no matter how good she is.

But not long ago, he got the news that Sheng Fenghua was sent abroad to see a doctor for Mrs. Dai Lisi in country M.

This made him have to pay attention to it.I also believed in those rumors in my heart.

So, now he felt that the reason why Si Zhanbei married Sheng Fenghua was probably because of her medical skills.

After all, people who eat whole grains will not get sick.If Sheng Fenghua's medical skills are really as good as the rumors, then all this can be explained.

He has known old man Si for decades, and he also knows his temper and character well.If Sheng Fenghua wasn't really good at medicine, he would definitely be the first person to oppose this marriage.

But now the facts have proved that not only did the old man not object, but he defended Sheng Fenghua a lot, and even secretly contributed a lot for her.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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