ace warm marriage

Chapter 802 Turning against each other

Chapter 802 Turning against each other ([-])

All these signs showed that Sheng Fenghua should not be underestimated.

"I know, but I won't give up. I don't believe it anymore. If I live for decades, I won't be able to beat a little girl."

Mrs. Wen's face was a little gloomy, she had lived a smooth life all her life.Even when I was young, I suffered some grievances.But since marrying Mr. Wen, she has never suffered from anyone else.

But now, when she was getting old, she was slapped in the face by Sheng Fenghua again and again, how could she bear it?
"My wife, why do you bother with a little girl?" Mr. Wen wanted to persuade his wife again, but how could Mrs. Wen listen and said directly: "Old man, stop talking, I have already decided If I don't kill that stinky girl Sheng Fenghua, I won't be Yu Meifeng."

Old man Wen looked at his wife, knowing that he could not persuade her, so he didn't speak again.Instead, he reached out and patted her hand and said, "It's late, go to sleep."

Mrs. Wen glanced at the clock on the wall, it was already twelve o'clock.So, she reached out to support Mr. Wen, and the two went back to the house to sleep together.

After returning to the house, they washed up and fell asleep quickly.But just as they fell asleep, there was another commotion from Wen Jianing's side.

I could only hear her screaming and running out of the room, her panicked look seemed like she had seen a ghost.

"What is Ning Ning doing again?" The second elder of the Wen family who was woken up had a displeasure on his face.

"I don't know. I'll go and have a look. Go back to sleep." Mrs. Wen was about to get up while talking.

"Forget it, let me go and have a look together." How could Old Man Wen fall asleep, so he also got up from the bed, put on a coat, and left the room with Mrs. Wen.

When the two opened the room, they saw Wen Jianing with disheveled hair, wearing a pajamas, running non-stop in the corridor, while running, she was still shouting: "Ghost, there is a ghost!"

"Ning Ning!" Mrs. Wen shouted, looking at the lunatic Wen Jianing, she shouted in displeasure.But Wen Jianing was terrified a long time ago, nowhere could he hear Mrs. Wen's shouts, she kept shouting, and her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning!" Mrs. Wen yelled a few more times, which brought Wen Jianing back to his senses, then turned to Mrs. Wen, and finally burst into tears after a while.

"Grandma, grandma, there are ghosts, there are ghosts." Wen Jianing hugged Mrs. Wen, crying with tears and snot in his nose.

"What the hell is there? Are you having nightmares again?" Mr. Wen walked to the door of Wen Jianing's room and took a look inside, but found nothing.

"Grandpa, I'm not dreaming. It's really a ghost." Wen Jianing let go of Grandma Wen, hugged Mr. Wen, pointed to the window of his room, and said, "It's on that window, the hair is so long , the eyes are so big, the tongue is so long."

While talking, Wen Jianing began to make gestures.

Old man Wen looked at Wen Jianing, then at the window, but there was still nothing.However, he still stepped into Wen Jianing's room, came to the window, opened the window, and looked outside.

The night was a bit dark, but the light from Wen Jianing's room could still be seen far away.Old Man Wen looked along the light, but still found nothing.

Wen Jianing watched Old Man Wen open the window, and saw him standing in front of the window. He became a little more courageous, approached the window carefully, and then looked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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