ace warm marriage

Chapter 806 Turning against each other

Chapter 806 Turning against each other ([-])

Don't let her go back, otherwise, she will definitely let Huang Yan know what will happen to Wen Jianing who offended her.She can't beat Sheng Fenghua temporarily, but it doesn't mean she can't kill Huang Yan.

Wen Jianing swore secretly in his heart, gritted his teeth and endured their violation.

But the other party didn't seem to know that she was tired, and kept working on her body until Wen Jianing couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

When Wen Jianing woke up, it was already the next day.She dragged her tired body, climbed out of bed, and walked towards the door.

When she came to the door, she first listened to the movement outside, and then quietly opened the door after hearing that there was no one outside.

However, as soon as the door opened, there was a man's face.

"Want to escape?" The man looked at Wen Jianing, his face darkened.They haven't played enough, how could they let her run away like this.

"No, no, I just want to go out and relax." Seeing someone outside, Wen Jianing knew that he couldn't escape at all, so he had to find an excuse.

"Convenience?" The man looked at Wen Jianing suspiciously.

Wen Jianing pretended to be suffocated, and begged: "Brother, I'm really in a hurry, just let me make it easier."

The man took a look at Wen Jianing, seeing that she didn't look like she was lying, he hesitated for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Thank you, brother!" Wen Jianing smiled happily, thanked him, and followed the man to go conveniently.

When the two reached the place, the man said to Wen Jianing, "Go in by yourself, I will guard outside."

Wen Jianing nodded and walked in.However, she quickly poked her head out again and said to the man, "Brother, can you come in?"

"What's going on?" The man walked in without thinking too much.

However, as soon as he entered, he saw Wen Jianing taking off his clothes, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Brother, what are you doing standing there, come in." Wen Jianing said while taking off some of his clothes.

The man has slept with Wen Jianing before, and he still can't stop thinking about her delicious food.This time Wen Jianing took the initiative to seduce him, how could he control it, he stepped forward and hugged Wen Jianing.

Seeing that the man had been tricked, Wen Jianing immediately bent down, picked up a brick that he had prepared before, and smashed it directly on the man's head.

As soon as the brick fell, the man was knocked unconscious.

Seeing the man fainted, Wen Jianing quickly put on his clothes and escaped.She kept running and running for an unknown amount of time, until she couldn't run anymore, then she stopped.

Wen Jianing disappeared, and was soon discovered.So he immediately organized people to search around, but found nothing except the man who was knocked out.

Looking at the man who was knocked out, everyone knew that Wen Jianing had escaped.

For this reason, those people did not stay where they were, and immediately searched on the way back to City B.Besides, Wen Jianing, even though he is in such a situation, his brain is still there.So, after she escaped, she didn't run in the direction of city B, but changed her way and went elsewhere.

Therefore, those who chased her never met at all.

Wen Jianing found a place and hid for a long time, then borrowed a phone number and asked Mr. Wen to send someone to pick him up.

Old Man Wen was in a hurry because Wen Jianing couldn't be contacted. After receiving her call, he naturally sent a car to pick her up without saying a word.

When Wen Jianing returned to the Wen family, the two elders of the Wen family were shocked when they saw her.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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