ace warm marriage

Chapter 807 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 807 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

"Ning Ning, what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Jianing who was in a mess, obviously being violated by someone, with a heartache on her face.

"Grandma, grandma!" Hearing this, Wen Jianing couldn't help but threw herself into Mrs. Wen's arms and cried.

"Ning Ning, it's okay, it's okay!" Mrs. Wen hugged Wen Jianing and comforted her.

Seeing Wen Jianing like this, old man Wen felt heartbroken.However, at this time, he did not go to comfort Wen Jianing, but went to the side to make a phone call.

He wanted to investigate and find out who made Wen Jianing like this.

Although Wen Jianing has many bad things, he has been disappointed and angry with her, but she is still the daughter of his Wen family, how can she be so spoiled?
While making the phone call, old man Wen wondered if Si Zhan Bei did it.But in the end, he still denied his own thoughts. This Si Zhanbei is an upright soldier, and he should not do such a thing.

Therefore, he thinks it is better not to draw conclusions until he has found out.

As for Mrs. Wen, she didn't have time to make a phone call, but asked Wen Jianing directly: "Ning Ning, who did it?"

However, Wen Jianing did not answer Mrs. Wen, but kept crying.Seeing her like this, Mrs. Wen didn't expect her to answer, but asked directly: "Is it Sheng Fenghua?"

Wen Jianing wanted to say no, but in the end she didn't deny it.Because she was thinking that if she couldn't deal with Sheng Fenghua, her grandma would definitely be able to.

For this reason, she didn't mind using her grandma's hand to deal with Sheng Fenghua.Although she already knew that Huang Yan did it, the reason why Huang Yan became like this was in the final analysis because of Sheng Fenghua.

If it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua's party, Huang Yan wouldn't have had a rift with her, and would still be her little follower, fighting wherever she pointed.

But all of this was ruined because of Sheng Fenghua.So she hated both Huang Yan and Sheng Fenghua.

Huang Yan, she will deal with it by herself, and Sheng Fenghua will let grandma do it.

Thinking of this, Wen Shining cried more and more sadly.In this way, Grandma Wen is even more certain that Sheng Fenghua did it.

"Ning Ning, don't cry, grandma will avenge you, just wait and see." Mrs. Wen comforted Wen Jianing, Sheng Fenghua dared to let someone ruin her granddaughter, she must pay it back a hundredfold .

Such a vicious woman, I don't know what the Si family thinks, but she even considers it a treasure.And the Ning family, too, even recognized such a woman as their granddaughter.

Even if she has good medical skills, so what, with such virtues, she won't go too far in the future.

Mrs. Wen comforted Wen Jianing for a while, and watched her gradually stop crying, then let go of her, and said: "Ning Ning, go and wash. Don't worry, grandma won't let you be in vain. Wronged."

Wen Jianing nodded, and withdrew from Mrs. Wen's arms.

She returned to the room, soaked in the pool, and kept scrubbing, as if to wash away the stains all over her body.I didn't give up until my whole body was flushed red from rubbing.

He changed his clothes, walked out of the room, looked at the two elders of the Wen family who were sitting in the living room, and called out obediently: "Grandpa, grandma, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's good that you're fine." Old Man Wen glanced at Wen Jianing, and was slightly relieved.Although Wen Jianing encountered misfortune, she was also quite worried.However, in any case, people are fine, as long as they are still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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