ace warm marriage

Chapter 808 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 808 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

"I'm fine." Wen Jianing shook his head, saying that he was fine, but he didn't think so in his heart.

"Ning Ning, tell Grandpa what's going on?" Old Man Wen looked at Wen Jianing and said seriously.

"Grandpa, I don't want to mention the past." Wen Jianing's sad look made old man Wen a little bit unbearable, but he really wanted to know.

So, he looked at Wen Jianing, and said earnestly, "Ning Ning, grandpa doesn't want to embarrass you, but if you don't make it clear and tell grandpa who the other party is, how can you avenge me?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wen gave her wife a hard look, and said, "Old man, I told you that Sheng Fenghua did it, why don't you believe it?"

"Besides, didn't you see that Ning Ning felt sad? How could you expose her scars again?"

Hearing Mrs. Wen's words, Mr. Wen sighed, and in the end he didn't ask any more questions, but he took a deep look at Wen Jianing and said, "Ning Ning, did Sheng Fenghua really do it?" ?”

Before Wen Jianing could reply, Mrs. Wen took the lead and said, "Old man, don't you believe what I say?"

"My wife!" Old Man Wen called out to Mrs. Wen, and then said directly: "I've had someone check it out, and it wasn't Sheng Fenghua who did it."

"What did you say? It wasn't Sheng Fenghua who did it, who could it be?" Mrs. Wen suddenly asked loudly.She has already identified it as Sheng Fenghua, but now her wife says it's not Sheng Fenghua, isn't that playing against her?
"Who is it?" Old Man Wen glanced at Wen Jianing and said, "Ning Ning should know."

"Old man, it's fine if you just tell me not to, why bring Ning Ning up again." Mrs. Wen was upset, and reached out to pat Mr. Wen.

"It's Huang Yan, Ningning's former little follower." Old Man Wen didn't hide anymore, and said it directly.

"What, that's impossible!" Mrs. Wen didn't believe it at all. She knew that Huang Yan was a rich girl, and she always followed Wen Jianing's example.

She didn't believe that Huang Yan would do such a thing.So, the first feeling is not to believe.

"Nothing is impossible in this world." Mr. Wen said lightly, and then said to Wen Jianing: "Ning Ning, grandpa knows that you hate Sheng Fenghua, but you can't make your grandma hate Sheng Fenghua just because of this." Misunderstand."


"Okay, don't talk about Ning Ning, I misunderstood myself." Mrs. Wen once again protected Wen Jianing, so that Mr. Wen didn't know what to say.

Old Man Wen sighed, looked at Wen Jianing for a while, and then said: "Ning Ning, don't worry about the matter of revenge, Grandpa will handle it for you. You don't want to go out anytime soon. Rest well at home."

"Yes, Grandpa!" Wen Jianing obediently agreed, but he had other ideas in his heart.

However, before her thoughts were put into action, Huang Yan had already gotten what she deserved.

It has to be said that Old Man Wen's attack was fast and ruthless. Even though Huang Yanren was still out of town and in Ning Ruiyu's hands, he still found him, and used the method of tit for tat.

Huang Yan never dreamed that, out of a moment of righteous indignation, she taught Wen Jianing a lesson, which instead cost her life.

After Wen Jianing learned of Huang Yan's fate, a smile finally appeared on his face.

This will offend her fate!
(End of this chapter)

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