ace warm marriage

Chapter 809 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 809 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

After Huang Yan was dealt with, Wen Jianing finally rested at home with peace of mind.However, although her people are recuperating, they are anxious inside.

Because, there are still five days until Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei's wedding, but she hasn't thought of a way to stop it yet.

Could it be that she just watched the two of them hold their wedding?

No, she is not reconciled, what she can't get, no one else can get it.She must destroy this wedding.

If she really can't think of a way, she can only use a way that hurts both sides.

Time passed quickly, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

This day was the day when Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei held their wedding.It is said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions. The Si family and the Ning family got up early to get ready, with smiles on their faces.

Sheng Fenghua was also pulled up from the bed by Grandma Ning before dawn, and asked to dress her up.

"Grandma, it's still early, can I sleep a little longer?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Grandma Ning sadly, it was only past four o'clock.

It's just a wedding, do you need to get up so early?
"Early?" Grandma Ning looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "What time is it, is it still early? You don't need to dress up in a while? Do you know how long it takes to dress up?"

"Grandma, can I sleep for a few more minutes?" Sheng Fenghua begged.She really doesn't want to get up, and really wants to sleep for a while.

"Okay, just this day. Grandma doesn't care about you anytime you want to sleep in the future. But not today, you have to get up for grandma. There are still many things to do today."

"Okay, I'll listen to grandma." Sheng Fenghua finally got up from the bed, and after washing up, he saw that the makeup artist had arrived.

Sheng Fenghua was busy here, but Sheng's father and Sheng's mother in the hotel were talking.When they came to city B, they lived in this hotel all the time, and they didn't dare to go out.

After living for decades, this is the first time for them to travel far away, and they still come to such a prosperous place.They never thought that the person Sheng Fenghua married would be so rich.

Although they already knew that Si Zhanbei's family was in good condition, if it wasn't for the life-saving grace, he might not have married Sheng Fenghua.

But now, after seeing her, they realized what kind of family Sheng Fenghua married into.

Thinking of the children in the family and the life they lived, Father Sheng and Mother Sheng had the idea of ​​asking Sheng Fenghua to help.

"Old lady, do you think that if we asked the second girl to take the money, would she agree?"

"Does she dare to agree?" Sheng's mother rolled her husband's eyes and said, "Don't forget, we are her parents, and we have raised her so much. Now she is married into such a rich family. What about some money?"

"Old woman, that's what you said, but back then we..." Sheng's father didn't finish what he wanted to say, but Sheng's mother didn't know what he wanted to say, so she continued: "Even if we are partial to Er girl, so what?" In the same way, we also raised her. If it wasn't for us, would she still be alive?"

"That's what you say, but if she knows, will she still recognize us?"

"Hmph, if she dares to deny it, I'll sue her. I've heard before that if a daughter is not filial, parents can sue her."

"That's not good?"

"What's wrong with that? After the second girl's wedding, I'll ask her for money. If she dares not to pay, then I'll sue her. I don't believe it. She doesn't care about her reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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