ace warm marriage

Chapter 810 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 810 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

"Okay, I'll listen to you. However, this second girl is also the same. They have brought us here for a few days, and they don't take us out for a stroll."

Speaking of this, Sheng's mother was full of anger.Except for Sheng Fenghua who came to see them on the first day they came, after that they only sent some things and never showed up.

She always felt that Sheng Fenghua seemed to be a different person now, not like the daughter they raised.

Thinking of this, Mother Sheng couldn't help but asked her wife, "Husband, do you feel that the second girl has changed?"

"Changed? What changed?" Father Sheng looked at his wife a little puzzled.

"Don't you think the second girl is unfamiliar with us?" Sheng's mother thought of Sheng Fenghua's polite appearance to them that day. Although the etiquette was not lacking, there was always a layer of separation.

"Unfamiliar? That's natural. We haven't seen her for more than a year. It's normal to be unfamiliar." Father Sheng didn't think there was anything wrong.After all, men are always careless, and he didn't notice the change in Sheng Fenghua at all.

Moreover, he hadn't had much communication with Sheng Fenghua before, so even if he found out, he wouldn't be able to notice anything.

"You're just an elm head, and I can't tell you clearly." Sheng's mother was a little disappointed. She had been thinking about Sheng Fenghua's change in the past few days.

Not to mention, she has become more beautiful now, and she feels that Sheng Fenghua's whole temperament has changed.Now, even if she returns to the village, no one will connect her with the previous Erya.

Of course, this is only one aspect, what makes her even more worried is that Sheng Fenghua is not close to her at all.In the past, although she didn't like Sheng Fenghua, Sheng Fenghua always wanted to behave in front of her and make her agree.

But now, Sheng Fenghua doesn't seem to care at all, whether she likes or dislikes has nothing to do with her.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't find that Sheng Fenghua had changed.

"Why can't you tell clearly?" Father Sheng looked at his wife and said, "Didn't you say that Erya has changed? Then tell me, what has changed in her?"

"Feeling, feeling, do you understand?" Sheng's mother didn't know how to explain it. After all, Sheng Fenghua only came once and didn't stay for long.

"I don't understand!" Father Sheng shook his head, making Mother Sheng angry.What kind of man is she married to? What an elm-headed man.Forget it, she'd better not say it, anyway, she's playing the piano to the cow.

"Forget it, I haven't told you yet. But, you have to remember what I said. After Erya's wedding is over, you have to ask her for money, and even more. Don't forget, there are still big Ya, Dabao and Erbao."

"Now that Erya is living a good life, she should help her brothers and sisters." Mother Sheng felt a little regretful when she thought of this.When you regret coming, you should not be afraid of spending money, and you should bring your sons and daughters with you.

But when Si Zhanbei sent people to pick her up, she didn't ask any more questions, and considering the cost of going back and forth, she told them not to come.

If she had known this would happen, she would have to take them all with her.

"If you want to say it, I'm too embarrassed to open my mouth." Father Sheng shook his head, he was really embarrassed to speak.Although they raised Sheng Fenghua, they also took money from others.

If that person hadn't given him the money, he would never have supported her.But then again, without the money, their family might have starved to death long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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