ace warm marriage

Chapter 811 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 811 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

"You old man, why are you so embarrassed to open your mouth. We raised her, shouldn't she repay us?" Sheng's mother said bitterly.

"Anyway, I won't say it, if you want to say it, you say it."

"Okay, I'll say what I say, look at you." Mother Sheng said angrily.Anyway, she has already decided that when she leaves this time, she must take some money back.

As for things, she also wanted to bring them, but she was afraid that she would not be able to.So, after much deliberation, I think it is better to take money.

The two were talking in the room when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Mother Sheng asked, then got up to open the door.

"Auntie, I'm Mei Ruolan, a friend of Fenghua, and I'm here to pick you up." Mei Ruolan looked at Sheng's mother and said with a smile.

Sheng Fenghua was busy today and didn't have time to take care of Sheng's father and Sheng's mother, so he specially invited Mei Ruolan to pick them up.

"Pick us up? Where are you taking us?" Mother Sheng looked at Mei Ruolan suspiciously and asked with a vigilant expression.This Mei Ruolan looked rich, so she was still a little scared.

Rural people are always a little timid when facing city people.

"Go to the scene, Fenghua's wedding is about to start, I'll take you there."

At this moment, Father Sheng came out of the room and said to Mei Ruolan, "Let's go!"

Mei Ruolan glanced at Father Sheng, saw that he hadn't changed his clothes, and was still wearing the clothes brought home, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle, why are you still wearing these clothes? What about the new clothes that Fenghua bought for you before? Why didn't you Put it on."

"Hey, I didn't wear that clothes because I was afraid it would get dirty. It's okay, it's the same with this one, it's washed clean." Father Sheng said indifferently.

"Uncle, today is Fenghua's wedding, and I have to toast you later. I think you should change your clothes. It doesn't matter if the clothes get dirty, just wash them."

After hearing this, Mother Sheng on the side immediately said: "How can this be done? I want to take the clothes back for Dabao to wear, so I don't want to change them."

"Auntie, it's okay, you guys put on the new clothes first, as for Dabao's clothes, we can just buy them later."

"Buy? You said it lightly, and we have no money. What should we buy? Girl, do you want to buy it for us?" Sheng Mu glared at Mei Ruolan and said.She wanted to go out and buy more clothes to take home, but the problem was that she had no money.

At first, she also wanted to ask Sheng Fenghua for some money, but Sheng Fenghua never showed up, and she didn't know the phone number, so she couldn't find anyone, so after much deliberation, she decided to let father Sheng wear old clothes.As for the new clothes, I plan to bring them back for my son to wear.

Although she is from a rural area, you can still tell if the clothes are good or bad.The clothes that Sheng Fenghua sent before were all good clothes. She didn't want father Sheng to spoil such good clothes, so she better leave them for her son to wear.

"Auntie, you should put on new clothes first. As for the clothes you bring back, don't worry, I can still afford a few clothes." Mei Ruolan said with a smile, just a few clothes, it's not a big deal.

"Really?" Mother Sheng couldn't believe it, and suspected that Mei Ruolan was lying to them.

"Of course it's true. Fenghua and I are friends. You are her parents, so what's the point of giving you a few sets of clothes?"

Sheng's mother looked at Mei Ruolan for a while, seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, but believed her somewhat.Then he turned his head and said to Father Sheng: "Since the girl said so, then you can go and change it."

Father Sheng nodded and went back to his room to change clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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