ace warm marriage

Chapter 812 The Wedding Proceeds

Chapter 812 The Wedding Proceeds ([-])

After changing their clothes, the two of them followed Mei Ruolan and left the room, heading for the banquet hall downstairs.

The banquet hall of Junshi Hotel is very large and can accommodate thousands of people.When Mei Ruolan arrived with Father Sheng and Mother Sheng, there were already many people in the hall.

She took the two of them to the seat at her mother's side, and sat with Mrs. Ning and the others.

Seeing Father Sheng and Mother Sheng, Madam Ning greeted them with a smile.Mei Ruolan introduced the members of the Ning family.

When Sheng's father and Sheng's mother heard that Sheng Fenghua had found a god-in-law here, they were shocked.Looking at Mr. Ning's face again, he suddenly became nervous.

The members of the Ning family didn't care about Sheng's father and Sheng's mother's change of face, they still talked to them with a smile.But Sheng's father and Sheng's mother were always anxious, afraid that the other party would find out something.

It wasn't until a while later that the Ning family were just chatting with them and didn't mention anything else, then Sheng's father and Sheng's mother were relieved, and their expressions were not so nervous and scared.

The wedding began soon. As Sheng Fenghua's parents, Sheng's father and Sheng's mother were supposed to take the stage and hand Sheng Fenghua into Si Zhanbei's hands.

However, the two of them didn't know what was going on, and kept refusing to come forward.Seeing the two of them like this, the Ning family couldn't say much.Mr. Ning stood up directly, walked to Sheng Fenghua's side, took her hand and walked towards Si Zhanbei on the other side of the red carpet.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua walking towards him, Si Zhanbei's face was full of smiles, and he watched without blinking.It wasn't until Sheng Fenghua walked up to him that he blinked slightly, then took Sheng Fenghua's hand from Mr. Ning, and held it tightly, as if he was holding the only treasure in the world.

"Daughter-in-law!" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and shouted affectionately, his whole body softened.

The tenderness of the iron man is fully interpreted in a moment.

Sheng Fenghua raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Si Zhanbei with the same affection and joy in his eyes.

"Zhanbei!" Sheng Fenghua called out softly, looking at the man he loved in front of him with complicated emotions.After two lives, she finally got her wish and married the man she had always wanted.

Even though they are already husband and wife, the meaning is different.Today, she married her as herself, Sheng Fenghua, not her predecessor.

"Bride and groom, please come on stage!" The emcee's voice reached the ears of the two, interrupting their gaze.Si Zhanbei clung to Sheng Fenghua's hand, and walked towards the high platform in front of him step by step.

The wedding was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Wen Jianing, who was standing in the corner, was full of hatred in his eyes.If this wedding is allowed to go on, then she will never have another chance.

Thinking about it, she walked slowly towards the high platform, and shouted to the master of ceremonies who was about to announce the next ceremony: "Wait a minute!"

The venue fell silent instantly. Seeing Wen Jianing, who was walking towards the high platform step by step, wearing a wedding dress with the bride, she couldn't react.

"What's going on here?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"That seems to be Miss Wen!" Soon they recognized Wen Jianing's identity, so they began to discuss.

"That's right, the real Miss Wen."

"What does she want to do?"

"Snatching a marriage?"

"It's very possible. Miss Wen posted a post to show her love to Young Master Si before. I still remember the content of the post, how affectionate it is."

"Affectionate? Don't be joking. If it's really affectionate, why would Miss Wen still go to nightclubs, and her behavior is so open."

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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