ace warm marriage

Chapter 813: Unexpected Changes

Chapter 813 Unexpected Changes ([-])

"Anyway, I am not blessed to accept people like Miss Wen."

"I would like to, but she doesn't like me."

"Just you, you are like a lazy toad eating swan meat."

Amidst everyone's whispering, Wen Jianing stepped up to the high platform step by step, and stood in front of Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.

"Miss Wen, what are you doing?" The master of ceremonies looked at Wen Jianing and frowned.

"Get off!" Si Zhanbei had already yelled at the other party to get off.Today is her and Sheng Fenghua's wedding, he doesn't want to make trouble.

Moreover, he clearly remembered that he never sent an invitation to Wen Jianing, so how did she get here?

"Miss Wen, do you have anything to say after our wedding?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Wen Jianing and said coldly.

She could tell at a glance that Wen Jianing didn't follow his good intentions and came to disturb their wedding.

Wen Jianing ignored Sheng Fenghua, but looked at Si Zhanbei, and said affectionately: "Zhanbei, why don't you love me? I like you so much, love you so much."

"Since I was a teenager, I have recognized you and swore that I will not marry you in this life. I have been looking forward to and waiting. I thought that I would eventually become your bride, but I didn't want you to marry me in the end." Even a village girl is not willing to marry me."

"Tell me, why is this? Is there something I didn't do well? You tell me, I'll change, can I change my career? I just ask you to give me a chance so that I can stand by your side and stay by your side. "

"Have you finished?" Si Zhanbei looked at Wen Jianing coldly, turning a blind eye to the affection in her eyes, and extremely disgusted with her confession.

"Zhanbei!" Wen Jianing looked at the expression on Si Zhanbei's face, heartbroken.This Si Zhanbei is still as ruthless as ever, is she really that annoying?
"Don't call me, you don't deserve to call me by my name." Si Zhanbei's voice was like ice in the twelfth lunar month, and his whole body was immersed in low air pressure.

If today wasn't his wedding with Sheng Fenghua, then he would definitely throw this woman out.

"Zhan Bei, do you really want to be so ruthless? In the past ten years, you really can't see my feelings for you, my love for you?"

"Don't talk about feelings with me, don't talk about love with me, you don't deserve it at all. Get out, or don't blame me for being rude." Si Zhanbei's eyes were extremely cold, making Wen Jianing a little terrified.

But thinking about it, today is her last chance, if she doesn't do something, then Si Zhanbei really doesn't belong to her.

Unable to bear it, she asked again: "Zhan Bei, let me ask you again, do you really want to marry this woman?"

"She is my wife, the only wife in this life." Si Zhanbei said lightly, he only married Sheng Fenghua in this life.In this life, he only wishes to grow old with Sheng Fenghua.

Sansheng was lucky to marry Sheng Fenghua, he was enough in this life.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Wen Jianing looked at Si Zhanbei and said hello three times in a row, with tears welling up in his eyes.Immediately afterwards, strong hatred radiated from her eyes, and she said, "Si Zhanbei, don't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Jianing turned around quickly.

Everyone watched her turn around, thinking that she retreated in spite of the difficulties, that she left sadly.But she didn't want to, she went directly to Sheng Fenghua.

The moment Wen Jianing turned around, a sharp dagger suddenly appeared in his hand.Holding up the dagger, she fiercely stabbed at Sheng Fenghua who was standing aside.

The killing intent came suddenly, Sheng Fenghua was startled, and instinctively dodged.But she is wearing a wedding dress today, not as flexible as before, and Wen Jianing is very close to Sheng Fenghua.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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