ace warm marriage

Chapter 815: Unexpected Changes

Chapter 815 Unexpected Changes ([-])

The knife cut was deep, and Sheng Fenghua felt distressed and regretted it.Si Zhanbei took it on her behalf.If it wasn't for protecting her from the knife, how could Si Zhanbei be injured?
If she had known that things would turn out like this, she shouldn't have listened to Si Zhanbei at the beginning, but should have acted directly to destroy Wen Jianing.

Taking a deep breath, Sheng Fenghua regained his composure, and then reached out to the dagger on Si Zhanbei's chest.

In her past and present lives, she has undergone countless operations, and she has never been so nervous and worried about gains and losses as she is now.

She was a natural fit for the operating table because of her steady hands.But now, her hands were shaking.She stretched out her hand several times, but she couldn't pull out the dagger.

Sheng Fenghua withdrew his hand, took another deep breath, then closed his eyes slightly, and then pulled out hard.

The dagger was pulled out, but the blood that had stopped before flowed out again.

Sheng Fenghua watched, took the gauze beside him calmly, blocked the wound, and gave Si Zhanbei another needle.

After a few stitches, Si Zhanbei's bleeding stopped, and Sheng Fenghua started to sew up Si Zhanbei.

After finishing all this, Sheng Fenghua was exhausted and paralyzed, and sat on a chair beside him to rest.It stands to reason that she has done many surgeries like this, so she shouldn't be so tired at all.

But because the other party was Si Zhanbei, she was nervous, that's why.

Sheng Fenghua rested for a while, and checked Si Zhanbei again.After making sure that his condition had stabilized, he completely relaxed and fell asleep.

Outside the lounge, after Ning Ruiyu was kicked out, he kept guarding the door.Others also gathered around, waiting for the situation inside.

Time passed bit by bit, but there was no movement in the lounge.Everyone couldn't help but became anxious, so they asked in a low voice: "Why hasn't there been any movement? How is Zhanbei?"

"Who knows."

"I don't know if Fenghua can rescue Zhan Bei."

"What are you talking about? Fenghua's medical skills are so high, he will definitely be able to save him."

"I think Xuan, Zhan Bei is injured so badly. Although Fenghua has excellent medical skills, don't forget that she is wearing a wedding dress today and has nothing on her body. How can I save her?"

"What, why didn't you say it earlier."

"Quick, quick, open the door and have a look."

"By the way, is the ambulance here? Call to remind me."

Everyone was discussing in one go, and Si Lao and the others were very worried.Originally, they believed in Sheng Fenghua very much, but when they heard everyone say that, they couldn't help but also became worried.

"What are you still standing there for? Open the door quickly and see how Zhan Bei is doing." Si Lao looked at the stunned crowd and yelled.

After the boss had spoken, everyone began to push the door.After pushing it, I found that the door was locked.

"Boss Si, the door is locked."

"It's locked? Smash it!" Mr. Si made a decisive decision and was about to smash the door.At this time, Mr. Ning and Mrs. Ning stood up and said, "Old man Si, don't smash it!"

"Why can't you smash it? If something goes wrong in Zhanbei, can you take responsibility for it?" Si Lao turned his head to look at the Ning family's elders, his face was a little annoyed.

Although she believed in Sheng Fenghua's medical skills, he was more concerned about Si Zhanbei's life and death.Si Zhanbei is his grandson and the future of his Si family, he cannot let anything happen to Si Zhanbei.

If something happened to Si Zhanbei because they believed in Sheng Fenghua too much, then it would not be as simple as regretting it.

(End of this chapter)

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