ace warm marriage

Chapter 816: Unexpected Changes

Chapter 816 Unexpected Changes ([-])

"It's for Zhan Bei, so this door can't be smashed." Grandma Ning looked at Mr. Si and said, "We should trust Fenghua, she is Zhan Bei's daughter-in-law, and she doesn't want to see anything happen to Zhan Bei than anyone else. So, she I will definitely do my best to save Zhan Bei."

"And what if you knock on the door and disturb her at this time? If it causes bad consequences, who should be responsible for it?"

"Then what do you say?"


"Wait? We've been waiting for an hour, do we have to wait any longer?"

"We must wait!" Grandma Ning said, and then told the two brothers of the Ning family: "Rui Ze, Rui Yu, you stand guard at the door and don't allow anyone to disturb your sister."

"Okay, grandma!" The two agreed, and then stood guard at the door, one on the left and the other on the right.Seeing this, old man Si looked unhappy, turned his head to look at Si Mufeng and asked, "Mufeng, what do you think?"

"Dad, since Aunt Ning said to wait, let's wait. Fenghua's medical skills are good, and Zhan Bei said that she never does things that are not sure. If she can't save Zhan Bei, she should have come out a long time ago."

"Okay, then wait a little longer." Hearing what Si Mufeng said, Old Master Si didn't insist on knocking on the door anymore.

Sheng Fenghua in the space knew nothing about what happened outside.As soon as she fell asleep, she fell asleep for an hour.

When she woke up, Si Zhanbei was still unconscious.Sheng Fenghua checked and saw that there was nothing wrong with him, so he was relieved.

It's just that Si Zhanbei is like this, there is no way to get it outside, and he can only recuperate in the space.

In order not to worry the people outside, Sheng Fenghua left the space, left a note on the table outside, opened the window, and pretended to leave.

After arranging everything, Sheng Fenghua returned to the space.

The people outside waited for another hour, but there was still no movement.Si Lao and the others became uneasy again, and had to open the door to take a look.

Grandma Ning wanted to block it again, but she thought it would take too long, and she was also a little worried about Sheng Fenghua, so she didn't stop it in the end.

So, when everyone broke open the door and walked in to rest and found no one, they were all taken aback.

"What about people?"

"Look around quickly, and see where Zhanbei and Fenghua are." Seeing that there was no one in the lounge, Mr. Si panicked.

He worried that something had happened to both of them.

"However, the lounge is only so small that you can see it clearly at a glance. There is no place to hide people. So, everyone soon confirmed the fact that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei really disappeared .”

"Old man Ning, Fenghua and Zhan Bei are gone, what's going on?" Mr. Si looked anxiously at Mr. Ning, who was also anxious, and asked.

Grandpa Ning was about to answer when Ning Ruiyu ran over, holding a letter in his hand, and said, "Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa Si, here is a letter."

"What letter, take a look quickly." Mr. Si asked anxiously, and reached out to take the letter from Ning Ruiyu's hand.

Opening the letter, looking at the somewhat familiar handwriting, Mr. Si knew that it was written by Sheng Fenghua, so he said to the others: "This is a letter from Zhanbei's daughter-in-law."

"Look at what she said." Grandma Ning also became anxious, wondering where Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had gone.

Mr. Si looked away the letter quickly, then handed it to Mr. Ning and Mrs. Ning, and said, "Fenghua said that she took Si Zhanbei to treat her illness. Let's not look for her for the time being, and wait for Zhanbei's injury to stabilize." and they will come back.”

(End of this chapter)

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