ace warm marriage

Chapter 817: Unexpected Changes

Chapter 817 Unexpected Changes ([-])

"You girl, why didn't you tell us in advance, we have been worrying outside for so long." Grandma Ning complained after reading the letter.

"No, Zhan Bei was injured, how did she take him away by herself?"

"Yes, and we are all guarding outside. Could it be that she left through the window?"

"I gonna go see."

After Ning Ruiyu finished speaking, he rushed to the window and looked outside.Sure enough, traces of crawling were found.

So, he ran back to the old people and said, "It seems that Mrs. San and the others did leave through the window."

"This girl, if you don't go through the door, how can you go through the window?"

Several old people complained, a little puzzled, but didn't think much about it.But Si Mufeng frowned slightly after hearing this.He always felt that something was wrong, how could Sheng Fenghua leave through the window when he was fine.

Could it be that something happened to them and they were robbed.

But if so, what about this letter?And according to several old people who know Sheng Fenghua's handwriting, this book was indeed written by Sheng Fenghua.

Si Mufeng couldn't figure it out, and then walked towards the window.He used to be the best soldier, and what he was good at was finding out the truth from the clues.

When he came to the window, Si Mufeng checked it carefully, then frowned.Si Zhanbei was seriously injured and was still bleeding.Sheng Fenghua had no way of getting Si Zhanbei out by himself, and he still had to go through such a high window.

Unless she has someone to respond to, or it's just a cover-up.Si Mufeng stood in front of the window for a long time, still unable to figure it out.

Afterwards, he turned around in the lounge again, and then walked up to Mr. Si and the others, and said, "Grandpa, since Fenghua said to take Zhan Bei to treat his injuries, then Zhan Bei will be fine. Let's go back."

"Alright!" Mr. Si nodded, and then said to the two elders of the Ning family, "Mr. Ning, brother and sister, since Fenghua and Zhanbei are fine, let's go back."

"Let's go!" Old Master Ning and Grandma Ning nodded, and they left the lounge together.

It was a good wedding, but it ended up like this.The few old people felt uncomfortable, and they had great opinions on the Wen family in their hearts.

When they were about to get into the car, Mr. Ning invited Mr. Si to ride in the same car with them, and then said, "Brother, I have something to tell you."

"Okay!" Mr. Si is also an old man, and he knew what Mr. Ning wanted to say, so he got into Mr. Ning's car directly.

Grandma Ning knew that the two old men were going to talk, so she took another car wisely.

Sitting in the car, the two old men began to discuss how to deal with Wen's family.Before, they kept turning a blind eye, and did not take any measures against what Wen Jianing and the Wen family did.

But it's different now, Wen Jianing's knife almost killed Si Zhanbei, this tone is absolutely intolerable.

It's time for this article to withdraw from the circle of the aristocratic family.

The two old men quickly reached an agreement, and they were going to fight against the Wen family together.As for the murderer Wen Jianing, they have already locked him up.Just waiting to invite the two elders of the Wen family to come and ask for an explanation.

While the two old men were discussing how to deal with the Wen family, Si Zhanbei's brothers also got together to discuss how to destroy the Wen family's property.

"Brother, didn't the third brother ask you to deal with the Wen family before? How come it's been so long, and they haven't been defeated yet?" Ning Ruiyu looked at Xu Qicheng and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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