ace warm marriage

Chapter 818: Unexpected Changes

Chapter 818 Unexpected Changes ([-])

He knew that Si Zhanbei wanted to deal with the Wen family, and he also knew that Si Zhanbei himself was not easy to come forward, so he invited his elder brother Xu Qicheng to come forward.

But it has been a few months since the brothers got together last time, and there is still no movement on the elder brother's side, and the Wen family is still fine.

"There are a lot of things on my side, and the progress is a bit slow. Who knew that Wen Jianing would do such a thing." Xu Qicheng felt a little regretful. If he had known that such a thing would happen, he would definitely put down all the things he was on hand , and then deal with the Wen family with all their strength.

It's just that now that things have happened, it's useless to regret.It's better to find a way to bring down the Wen family as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Wen Jianing doesn't know what will happen in the future.

"Let's not talk about the past. Let's think about how to bring down the Wen family as soon as possible. Don't let the third brother recover from his injuries and the Wen family will still stand."

"Brother, anyway, our brothers don't have many things on hand recently, why don't we leave that matter to us."

"I'm with you." Xu Qicheng said.Si Zhanbei had entrusted him with the matter a long time ago, but he hadn't done it well. It was because of his negligence as the big brother.

If something happened to Si Zhanbei this time, then he would never forgive himself.

"Okay, then we brothers will attack together, this Wen family should have been exhausted long ago."

As a result, the brothers quickly took action against the Wen family's property.They used thunderous means, and in just three days, they made it difficult for the Wen family to move in the mall.

And when Xu Qicheng and others took action on the Wen family's property, Mr. Ning and Mr. Si were not idle, and began to clean up the influence of the Wen family in City B and the surrounding areas.

As an established family, the Wen family relies not only on the industry on the surface, but also on various forces in the dark.In the past, everyone lived in peace, but nothing happened.

But it's different now, the Wen family committed suicide and hurt Si Zhanbei, how can this be tolerated?

Therefore, when the Wen family's property suffered a blow, the Wen family's power also suffered heavy losses.For a while, the Wen family was in trouble.

The phone calls from all over the place kept calling Mr. Wen, asking him for help and asking him for ideas. Even the brothers of the Wen family, who had never been to Mr. Wen's side very much, returned to the old house at the same time to discuss with Mr. Wen. How to deal with the immediate predicament.

"Dad, is there something wrong with the property in my hands?"

"Dad, my side is the same."

"Dad, I was at work recently, and the leader came to talk to me."

After the father and son sat down in the study, they each started talking.Old Man Wen looked at his sons with a gloomy expression.

He set his sights on Wen Jianing's father and said, "Boss, you have raised a good daughter. My Wen family will be where it is today, but it's all thanks to her."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" The brothers looked at Mr. Wen, a little confused.They never thought about the crisis that happened before on Wen Jianing.After all, Wen Jianing is just a woman, apart from being arrogant, defiant, and often doing stupid things, it doesn't affect the overall situation.

But now, Mr. Wen said that everything was thanks to her, no wonder everyone was confused.

"What did I say?" Elder Wen said with anger on his face, "At Si Zhanbei's wedding a few days ago, Wen Jianing shot and injured Si Zhanbei. Until now, Si Zhanbei has not passed the dangerous period. .”

"What, how did this happen? This Wen Jianing must be insane. How could she hurt Si Zhanbei? Didn't she say that she loves Si Zhanbei?"

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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