ace warm marriage

Chapter 829 Sheng Family Parents

Chapter 829 The Sheng Family Parents ([-])

Sheng Fenghua turned his head to look at Sheng's mother, and then said apologetically to Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning: "Grandpa, Grandma, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Grandma Ning waved her hand, she knew what Sheng Fenghua meant.Although Sheng's father and Sheng's mother were a little annoying and often noisy, they did not cause any loss or harm to them.

Sheng Fenghua also knew that Grandma Ning and the others would take in their parents because of her face.But she couldn't help but be grateful, and she didn't intend to let Sheng's father and Sheng's mother continue to embarrass herself in the Ning family.

So, she looked at Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning and said, "Grandpa, Grandma, my parents have bothered you for too long, so I'll take them away."

As soon as Grandma Ning heard that Sheng Fenghua was about to leave, she opened her mouth to keep them, but Mr. Ning at the side pulled her wife and said, "Okay, take them back first, and come to see me and me when you have time. Your grandma."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, then turned his head to look at Sheng's mother sitting next to him, and Sheng's father standing beside him, and said, "Go back and pack your things, and I will take you away."

"Take us away, where are we going?" Mother Sheng was taken aback and asked.She lives here well, eats and drinks well, and eats well and sleeps well.Seriously, some don't want to leave.

"My family!" Sheng Fenghua replied lightly.

When Sheng's mother heard this, she became happy.She felt that Sheng Fenghua's place must be better than this Ning's.Because she had heard before that the Si family was a respectable and rich family in city B.

Sheng's father and Sheng's mother went back to their place to pack their things, and Sheng Fenghua once again apologized to the two elders of the Ning family.

The two old people smiled, telling her not to worry about it.She is her, and her parents are her parents. They will not be angry or look down on her because of the virtues of Sheng's father and Sheng's mother.

Anyway, now Sheng Fenghua is also the granddaughter of the Ning family.How can grandparents underestimate their granddaughters?
Sheng's father and Sheng's mother packed up quickly. In fact, there were not many things, only a few sets of clothes that Sheng Fenghua bought for them, and two sets of clothes that Mei Ruolan bought for them before.

With their belongings, the two got into Si Zhanbei's car and headed for their apartment.

When they arrived at the apartment, Sheng Fenghua pointed to a guest room, and said to the two of them: "Dad, Mom, you will make do with it tonight and live in this room. I will buy a ticket to send you back tomorrow."

"What, you want to send us back?"

"Yes. You have been out for so long, it's time to go back."

"No, we won't go back." Mother Sheng said loudly, she didn't get the money yet, what was she going back for?
She had made up her mind before, asking Sheng Fenghua to take some more money, and then go back to her hometown to build a house.Now the house they live in is dilapidated, but they have no money, so they have been living with what they can.

Now, since Sheng Fenghua married a rich man, he must not be short of money.So she thought, let Sheng Fenghua take more money, and they go back to build a new house.

"Why?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, he really didn't have any feelings for Sheng's father and Sheng's mother.Although, she is the parents of the predecessor, but for some reason she can't feel close to them at all.

On the contrary, it was the second elder of the Ning family who made her feel more intimate.

"Why?" Mother Sheng looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Now that you are married to a rich man, shouldn't you help the family?"

(End of this chapter)

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