ace warm marriage

Chapter 830 Sheng Family Parents

Chapter 830 Sheng Family Parents ([-])

"How do you want me to help?"

"How do you help? Of course I gave you money. It's not easy for us to raise you so big. If you give us more money, the house should be refurbished."

"How much do you want?" Sheng Fenghua frowned and looked at Sheng's mother.For this mother, the memory of the original owner is quite deep.

Because she often beat and scolded the original owner, and she never gave the original owner something to eat.Even the clothes are left over from other people's wear.

"One hundred thousand!" Sheng Lioness opened her mouth.She stayed here for more than 20 days and learned a lot. 10 yuan is an astronomical figure in the countryside, at least five small two-story western-style buildings can be built.

The reason why she asked for so much was because she wanted to try Sheng Fenghua, and because she wanted to ask for more.The living conditions of the eldest daughter's family are not good, and the place they live in is even worse than theirs. At that time, they will be able to subsidize them a little, and let them build a new house by the way.

"One hundred thousand?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Sheng's mother with cold eyes gradually. This 10 yuan is not a small sum for the countryside.

Her mother really thinks highly of her, so much for one mouthful.

Of course, it's not that she can't afford so much money, but she doesn't want to give it to Sheng's mother for nothing.Because Sheng Fenghua always suspected that Father Sheng and Mother Sheng were hiding something from her.

Moreover, she didn't think much about it before, but now the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her child may not be born by Sheng's mother.Because she looks neither like Sheng's mother nor Sheng's father.

In addition, when she was in her hometown, Sheng's father and Sheng's mother treated her very differently from the other two children, which made her suspicious.

"That's right, it's [-]." Sheng's mother acted as if I wanted so much, which made Si Zhanbei at the side a little bit embarrassed.It's true that he has money, but he doesn't want to give it away so vaguely.

Besides, when he married Sheng Fenghua, he gave them 3000 yuan as a gift money.That 3000 yuan is in the countryside, but the income of the family for several years.

Now, this Sheng mother actually pays one hundred thousand per mouth, which means that his little wife is being taken advantage of.

I don't even think about whether the little wife can take it out, or whether she can afford it.Moreover, they were not ignorant of his previous injuries.

But they didn't even have a word of concern and greetings, and they asked for money.

To be honest, if the other party wasn't Sheng Fenghua's parents, he would have sent them away long ago.

"Mom, do you know how much one hundred thousand is?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng's mother and asked.

"Nonsense, I didn't know I would ask you for so much?" After Sheng's mother finished speaking, she remembered that the person talking to her was Si Zhanbei, not Sheng Fenghua, and she couldn't help feeling guilty, and explained: "Zhan, Zhan Bei, Mom didn't mean that."

"It doesn't mean that, so I don't know what mom means?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng's mother lightly, his face was a little cold and heavy, and said, "I've inquired about it. Two and a half houses are only 2 yuan. As soon as you open your mouth, you ask us for [-] yuan, what do you want to do?"

When asked by Si Zhanbei, Sheng's mother blushed a little, and said nonchalantly, "Build a house."

"It doesn't take that much money to build a house? What do you want to do with the rest of the money?" Si Zhanbei continued to ask, Sheng's mother's face was pale, a little scared, and she didn't dare to meet Si Zhanbei's eyes.

She was already a little afraid of Si Zhanbei, but she was even more afraid because of her guilty conscience.She didn't dare to tell Si Zhanbei that she wanted so much money to help her daughter and her son who had always been regarded as a treasure at home.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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