ace warm marriage

Chapter 831 Fenghua Doubt

Chapter 831 Fenghua Doubt ([-])

Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng's mother who was afraid to speak, then turned his gaze to Sheng's father, and asked, "Dad, do you know?"

"Me?" Father Sheng looked a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.He knew it, but he didn't dare to tell Si Zhanbei that.

To be honest, he was also a little afraid of Si Zhanbei.As long as he stood there, he didn't even need to say a word, the aura of his body alone was scary enough.

Si Zhanbei didn't dare to say anything when he looked at Sheng's father, but he didn't make things difficult for the two of them. Instead, he looked at them and said, "Okay, you guys go to rest first. I will discuss the money matter with Fenghua."

Sheng's mother looked at Si Zhanbei and opened her mouth to say something, but Sheng's father on the side pulled her violently and said, "Okay, let's go to rest first."

After finishing speaking, he took Mother Sheng back to the room.

Back in the room, as soon as the door was closed, Mother Sheng immediately lowered her face, glared at Father Sheng and said, "What did you do to block me from telling me?"

"Didn't you see that Zhan Bei was angry?"


Thinking of Si Zhanbei's cold face, Sheng's mother stopped talking.To be honest, when Si Zhanbei's face darkened, it was quite scary.

"Okay, stop talking." Sheng's father stopped what Sheng's mother wanted to say, and lay down on the bed without speaking.

He could clearly see Si Zhanbei's attitude just now, and he probably couldn't get the money.

But on second thought, when Si Zhanbei married Sheng Fenghua, he gave a lot of bride price.That dowry gift also made them popular in the village, making everyone envious for a long time.

Mother Sheng also walked aside and sat down, sullen.Her heart was also hanging, it seemed that neither Sheng Fenghua nor Si Zhanbei wanted to give them money.

She was thinking that if the two really refused to pay, would she really want to sue them?

Outside, in the living room, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei sat on the sofa, looking at each other.

"What do you think?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"In my opinion, they want so much money, and they probably want to subsidize my sister and brother. Those two are the treasures in their hearts. It's not like me, it's like a grass."

"Daughter-in-law, it's okay, you still have me." Hearing the disappointment in Sheng Fenghua's tone, Si Zhanbei reached out and hugged her into his arms.

Before, he had heard that Sheng Fenghua was not doing well at home.

"Yes, I still have you." Sheng Fenghua laughed and reached out to hug Si Zhanbei back.As a human again, her greatest happiness is to have Si Zhanbei.

The two hugged for a while, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was already eleven o'clock, and it was almost time for lunch.

There is no food at home, and there is no way to cook.So, she looked up at Si Zhanbei and said, "Zhanbei, let's go out for dinner later."

"Okay, then go out and eat."

At 11:30, Sheng Fenghua knocked on the door of the second elder of the Sheng family and said, "Dad, Mom, it's time for us to go out for dinner."

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's shout, Sheng's mother opened the door and asked, "Why don't you eat at home?"

"There's no food at home." Sheng Fenghua explained lightly, then ignored Sheng's mother, and turned around to wait for them in the living room.

Sheng's mother looked at Sheng Fenghua who was unwilling to say a word to herself, and her face was a little bit bad, she turned to Sheng's father and said, "Look at her, what kind of attitude is she. This is really hard wings, even our parents I don't care about it anymore."

"Okay, don't say a few words, or they will send us back later."

"Go back? I'm not going back. Let me go back empty-handed, and I won't do it."

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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