ace warm marriage

Chapter 838 1 Chapter Village

Chapter 838 Back to the Village Together ([-])
Father Sheng could think of the scene without guessing, and his old face couldn't help but blush.

"You don't know, that damn girl bought a lot of things today, but they were all for the people in the village. I couldn't get angry, so I asked her to buy clothes for Dani and Dabao."

"However, this girl is quite sensible, and she also knows that each of us will buy a set."

Listening to Sheng's mother's complacent words, Sheng's father didn't know what to say.

His wife is good at everything, but her eyelids are too shallow, and she takes money and things too seriously.

When Sheng Fenghua went back, he bought things for the people in the village, and they were the ones who benefited from the gifts in the end?After all, Sheng Fenghua was married, and he seldom went back once a year.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were busy in the kitchen together. An hour later, dinner was ready.

After dinner, Sheng's mother brought up the matter of money again.It should be said that it was about building a house.Mother Sheng always felt that since Sheng Fenghua was so rich, she should help them build a new house.

This time, Sheng Fenghua did not evade the question, but had a serious talk with the two of them.She told them that she could help build the house, but only theirs.

And she also stated that after the house was built, she would not owe them any more.

Hearing this, Father Sheng's heart sank, and he wanted to say something.But without waiting for him to say it, Sheng Fenghua spoke again, and said, "Daughter who is married, water that is thrown out. When I got married, Zhan Bei gave you a bride price, which is already repaying your kindness in nurturing."

"Now, we have paid to help you build houses again. This kindness should be cleared."

"Second girl, how can you say that?"

"Then what do you want me to say? I'm married to Zhan Bei, and his family does have some money. But it's not his money, he's just a soldier, how much is his monthly salary?"

"Now that we have given you all our savings to build a house, what else do you want? Could it be that you want the two of us to beg for food?"

"You have no money, but Zhan Bei's family has money. Don't you ask your family for it?" Sheng's mother looked at Sheng Fenghua and said as a matter of course.

They just saw that Si Zhan Bei's family was rich, so they wanted to ask for more money.

But now Sheng Fenghua is crying to them about being poor, she doesn't believe it.

"Ask at home?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, glanced at Sheng's mother, and said, "Who do we ask for? Grandpa? Don't you see how old grandpa is, do we have the nerve to open this mouth?"

As soon as these words came out, Father Sheng's old face became a little uneasy.Only then did he remember that Si Zhanbei had no parents.

Sheng's mother also obviously thought of this question, and she was speechless.

"Since your life is not good, we don't want the money anymore." Father Sheng said after thinking about it.

"Old man, what are you talking about?" Sheng's mother was unhappy when she heard this.Although I couldn't get 10 yuan, it's not bad to have [-] yuan.

Moreover, Sheng Fenghua had already agreed, so how could he not?

"The house in our family can still be lived in, so let's live in it first." Sheng's father ignored Sheng's mother and said directly.

Seeing Father Sheng's sudden change of words, Sheng Fenghua had a better impression of him, and said, "Since we have already agreed, we will not go back on our word. However, this is only for once, if you still ask us for money in the future, Then we really can't get it out. After all, Zhan Bei and I have to live, and I don't have a job."

"Now, we don't have children, so it's better. When we have children, there will be more places to spend money. Moreover, raising children in the city is different from that in the countryside, and it costs more. I hope my parents will understand by then."

(End of this chapter)

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