ace warm marriage

Chapter 839 1 Chapter Village

Chapter 839 Back to the Village Together ([-])
"I didn't expect to hear such words as white-eyed wolf and heartless."

"Second girl, don't worry, your mother and I won't ask you for money again." Sheng's father expressed his opinion. Sheng's mother wanted to object, but she gave Sheng's father a glare, and had to swallow the objection back.

However, she had other plans in her heart.She has worked so hard to support Sheng Fenghua for nearly 20 years, but she doesn't want to be dismissed by such a small amount of money.

Since they had to leave by train early the next morning, they didn't talk too late, so they went back to their rooms to rest early.

Back in the room, when Si Zhanbei thought that he would not see Sheng Fenghua for several days, he couldn't care less, so he picked her up and walked towards the big bed.

After a night of passion, Sheng Fenghua fell into a deep sleep at dawn.

After sleeping like this, Sheng Fenghua didn't wake up until he was about to leave.After waking up and looking at the time, she couldn't help being anxious, quickly got dressed, washed up, and planned to go to Si Zhanbei to settle the score.

It's all his fault. He didn't know how to restrain himself last night. He asked her over and over again, causing her to sleep until this time.

Si Zhanbei had already made breakfast, and when he was about to wake Sheng Fenghua up, he saw her walking towards him aggressively.

"Daughter-in-law, you're up." Si Zhanbei smiled at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "I was going to wake you up."

"You just woke me up now, are you planning to make me miss the train?" Sheng Fenghua's face was a little ugly, and it was only an hour and a half away from the train's departure time.It takes at least an hour to get to the train station from here, so that leaves only half an hour.

Now, she hasn't had breakfast yet, is this the rhythm of missing the train?

"How could it be?" Si Zhanbei shook his head and said, "I will never let you miss the train."

"What time is it now, why don't you say no?" Sheng Fenghua said angrily, wondering if he didn't have breakfast.But I was a little hungry, so I got angry and sat down to have breakfast.

In order to catch the train, Sheng Fenghua finished eating in 10 minutes.Then he packed his things and headed to the train station with the elders of the Sheng family.

On the way to the station, Sheng's mother complained full of complaints, and said, "I know I have to catch the train, but I don't know how to get up early. Check what time it is now, and what should I do if I miss it."

Si Zhanbei on the side was a little displeased when he heard this, and said coldly: "Mom, I told Fenghua not to get up so early. Don't worry, the train won't be missed."

"Don't say a few words." Sheng's father glared at Sheng's mother, closing his eyes and not speaking.He knew that Si Zhanbei was reliable in his work, and since he said he could catch up, he would definitely be able to catch up.

That being the case, what else is there to say.

After more than 40 minutes, the group arrived at the train station. There was still half an hour before the departure time, so Sheng Fenghua felt relieved.

Because they brought too many things, Si Zhanbei first asked someone to transport the things into the station and loaded them onto the train.Fortunately, this train is the first one, so it is much more convenient.

After getting all the luggage on the train, the station began to check the tickets.

Si Zhanbei personally sent Sheng Fenghua to the train, and stayed in the car for a while until the train was about to leave, and then bid farewell to her.

As the train drifted away, Sheng Fenghua stood by the window, waving at Si Zhanbei, and didn't stop until he was no longer in sight.

Si Zhanbei bought sleeper tickets for the three of them, and when Sheng Fenghua returned to the berths from the window, Father Sheng and Mother Sheng had already laid down on the berths.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua come back, Father Sheng said: "You didn't sleep well yesterday, just lie down and rest for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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