ace warm marriage

Chapter 840 1 Chapter Village

Chapter 840 Back to the Village Together ([-])
"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded without saying much, just lay down and closed his eyes.

Sheng Fenghua was indeed a little sleepy, after all, he didn't go to bed until dawn this morning.Although I didn't wake up until eight or nine o'clock, I still didn't have enough sleep, so I fell asleep soon after lying on the bunk.

Listening to Sheng Fenghua's even breathing, Sheng's mother curled her lips and muttered to Sheng's father, "I can really sleep."

"Shut up and sleep well." Father Sheng reprimanded softly, and then closed his eyes.But what he didn't know was that Sheng Fenghua was not asleep, and he heard what he said just now.

It wasn't until Father Sheng and Mother Sheng fell asleep that they really fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already lunch time.They didn't bring anything to eat, so they bought a box lunch on the train and ate it.

After dinner, Sheng Fenghua did not continue to sleep, but walked around in the carriage.

To be honest, taking the train was still a bit boring, so she asked the flight attendant for another newspaper, and then sat on the chair in the aisle to read it.

After reading a newspaper, two hours had passed, Sheng Fenghua felt his eyes were a little tired, so he went back to rest.

After a day and a night of train ride, another two hours by car, and an hour by tricycle, I finally arrived at Sheng Fenghua's hometown - Shengjia Village.

There are more than 100 households in the entire Shengjia Village, except for ten families with foreign surnames, the rest are all surnamed Sheng.

When Sheng Fenghua and his party arrived, it happened to be sunset.Every family just came home from the field and saw three people carrying big and small bags. They were envious and greeted each of them.

"Yo, Second Sheng is back."

"How about it, is city B prosperous?"

"Yanqiu, after staying in City B for so long, you should get used to it."

"Look, the one with the big and small bags was bought by your second girl."

"It's better to be the second child of Sheng, the second girl is married well."

"That's right, city B is the capital, how can it be bad?"

Everyone chattered and heard that the parents of the Sheng family had more face, their heads held high, and they looked proud.

Sheng Fenghua on the side listened, but kept silent.Until someone discovered her existence and asked, "Second Sheng, Yanqiu, who is the girl next to you? She looks pretty."

"Why do I think this girl is like your second girl?"

"Hello, uncle and aunt!" Sheng Fenghua stood up and greeted the villagers with a smile.Some people, she couldn't remember what they were called, so they all called them uncle and aunt.

"Yo, it's really the second girl. No wonder they said, why don't you see each other for three days. Isn't it just, I haven't seen you for more than a year, why have you changed so much?"

"It's still a big city to support people. I almost can't recognize Erya now."

Sheng Fenghua kept laughing and didn't answer much.Although he has the memory of the original owner, he is not familiar with these people after all.

It was getting late, everyone talked around the three of them for a while, and then went home.

Sheng Fenghua followed his parents back to his home in the middle of the village.

It was getting dark, Sheng Fenghua only glanced roughly, and saw that the house was quite big.There is a yard, and the house is made of mud, which looks a little old, probably dozens of years old.

As soon as he entered the yard, the lights were on in the kitchen, Sheng Fenghua reckoned that the elder sister was cooking.

Apart from the kitchen, the lights in the living room were also on, and the sound of the TV could be heard, and a few figures could be vaguely seen, sitting and watching TV.

(End of this chapter)

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