ace warm marriage

Chapter 841 1 Chapter Village

Chapter 841 Back to the Village Together ([-])
"Da Ni, Da Bao, we're back." As soon as she entered the yard, Sheng's mother shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, the people in the living room ran out immediately, with two little radish heads leading the charge.Sheng Fenghua knew that it was the eldest sister's child.

Immediately afterwards, two men came out, one was the original owner's brother Dabao, and the other was brother-in-law Chen Weimin.

"Grandpa, grandma, are you back?" The two little kids soon came to the Sheng family's parents and shouted sweetly.

"Dad, Mom!" Dabao and Chen Weimin, who came after them, looked at the elders and shouted, and reached out to take the things in their hands.

Sheng Fenghua followed behind the elders, but Chen Weimin and Dabao didn't see them for a while.On the contrary, Dani who just came out of the kitchen saw it and said in surprise: "Erya is back too?"

Hearing Dani's words, Chen Weimin and Dabao saw Sheng Fenghua behind the second elder of the Sheng family, and Chen Weimin shouted: "Second sister!"

Dabao stared at Sheng Fenghua for a long time before asking tentatively, "Are you really my second sister?"

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but that Sheng Fenghua's changes are too great.In the past, Sheng Fenghua was like a bean sprout.But now, she has become bright and dazzling, and she is like the previous Sheng Fenghua in the sky and the other on the ground.

"Why, you don't even recognize your sister?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Dabao lightly. In the past, this younger brother had bullied his predecessor a lot.

However, it is not so easy to bully her now that it is her.If Dabao is sensible, it's fine.If he is ignorant and wants to mess with her again, then she will settle the old and new scores together.

"Tch, don't think that if you change, I will call you sister, just dream." Dabao snorted coldly, and went into the house with his things.

Dani walked in front of Sheng Fenghua, and said with a smile: "Erya, Dabao has this kind of virtue, please ignore her. Let's go into the room and talk."

Back in the house, Dabao had brought several children and started rummaging for something to eat.

Seeing them laying out the things one by one, Sheng Fenghua said lightly: "Don't finish eating all the things, some have to be kept as gifts."

"Give it away, you want to give it away with such a good thing? Sheng Erya, are you out of your mind?"

"Are you just out of your mind?" Sheng Fenghua was annoyed, glared at Dabao, stepped forward and snatched the things he was holding in his hands, and said, "If you still treat me like this, then you don't need these things have eaten."

"Mom, look at Sheng Erya bullying me." Dabao looked at the food stolen by Sheng Fenghua, and turned his head like Sheng's mother sued.

When Sheng's mother heard her son's complaint, she opened her mouth to reprimand Sheng Fenghua, but Sheng's father at the side suddenly glared at Dabao and said, "Dabao, she is your older sister, please be more polite to her."

"Dad, why are you protecting her?" Dabao looked at Father Sheng with a puzzled expression on his face.In the past, no matter how much he bullied Sheng Fenghua, Father Sheng had never been silent.

But now, he actually protects Sheng Fenghua, what's going on.Could it be that his father had already defected to Sheng Fenghua's side after not seeing him for more than 20 days.

"Shut up!" Father Sheng yelled at Dabao, then turned to Sheng Fenghua and said, "Erya, you're tired after taking the train all the way? Go to our room to rest first. I'll let your mother put The room you lived in was cleaned up."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, turned around and went back to the house to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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