ace warm marriage

Chapter 842 1 Chapter Village

Chapter 842 Back to the Village Together ([-])
"Mom Dabao, go and clean up the room." Father Sheng ordered Mother Sheng again.

"She doesn't know how to do it herself!" Sheng's mother showed reluctance, and was glared at by Sheng's father, and then slowly went to clean up the house.

Sheng's house is dilapidated or dilapidated, but there are still rooms.However, it will take some time because I haven't lived for a long time.

However, Mother Sheng simply tidied it up, without even cleaning it, and just put a quilt on the bed, and it was over.

Sheng Fenghua didn't stay in the house for long, he came out quickly and went to the kitchen.

They came back suddenly today, so Dani didn't cook many meals, and she was preparing to cook some noodles for the night.

"Erya, why are you here? Didn't Dad let you go inside to rest?" Dani couldn't help asking when she saw Sheng Fenghua come in.

If it was Sheng Fenghua from before, she would have ordered her to work.But now, seeing Sheng Fenghua's attire and seeing her change so much, she dared not speak.

"Let me see if I can help." Sheng Fenghua walked up to Dani while talking.Seeing her cooking noodles, she couldn't help saying, "Sister, let me make these noodles."

"I'll do it myself, don't get your clothes dirty." Dani waved her hand, and said the truth.Sheng Fenghua's clothes were not suitable for entering the kitchen at all.

"It's okay, just wash it if it's dirty." Sheng Fenghua didn't care, rolled up his sleeves, and was ready to do it.

Dani saw her like this, and didn't stop her anymore, allowing her to cook the noodles while she set the fire aside.

Someone helped, and the cooking speed was much faster. Soon the two sisters went out with noodles and meals.

"It's time to eat!" Dani yelled, and then everyone who was watching TV stopped and gathered around the table to prepare to eat.

Dani's two children were eating snacks, glanced at the food on the table, and said with a look of disgust: "It's this dish again, we won't eat it."

"If you don't dare to eat, see if I don't beat you." Dani immediately became angry when she heard this.How can they not be angry when they refuse to eat the meals they have worked so hard to cook.

Turning around, I saw that they were still holding the snacks brought back by Sheng Fenghua and eating happily, and became more and more angry. He stepped forward and snatched the snacks from their hands, and said: "If you don't eat a good meal, you give it to me Snacks, your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

The snacks were gone, so the two little kids could only pout their mouths, walked to the table and sat down, and started to eat carelessly with a bowl of rice.

The two of them ate too many snacks, and they couldn't eat anything at all.After taking two casual bites, he put the bowl down.Dani saw that she was going to get angry again, and Sheng's mother at the side persuaded: "Don't talk about them, I gave them food."

Mother Sheng spoke, and Dani didn't have much to say, so she had to let the two little kids watch TV with snacks.

After dinner, Sheng Fenghua helped wash the dishes, and then sat with everyone and watched TV for a while.

Dani wanted to talk to Sheng Fenghua several times, but seeing her indifferent face, she didn't dare to speak.It was brother-in-law Chen Weimin who asked Sheng Fenghua a few words.

After sitting for a while, Sheng Fenghua said that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to his room to rest, but no one stopped him.

Back in the room, looking at the things in the room, Sheng Fenghua's face turned dark.The house is full of miscellaneous old things, including farm tools, broken tables and chairs and so on. Except for a place to step down, except for the bed in the corner, there is almost no room left.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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