ace warm marriage

Chapter 843 A Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience

Chapter 843 Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience ([-])

Walking to the bed, looking at the randomly spread quilt, Sheng Fenghua really couldn't sleep.

So, she thought about it, and one of them stepped into the space.Fortunately, I have a space for myself, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

She washed up in the space, entered the room, and soon fell asleep.The next day, when it was dawn, she came out of the space, opened the door and walked out.

When Sheng Fenghua went out, Sheng's father, Sheng's mother, and Dani were all up and carrying water for cooking.

"Erya, you're up, did you sleep well last night?" Dani greeted Sheng Fenghua when she saw Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua smiled, but did not answer.

After washing up, Sheng Fenghua saw that Mother Sheng and the others were in the kitchen, so he planned to go out for a walk.To be honest, even with the memory of her previous life, she is still a little unfamiliar with this place.

Sheng Fenghua was walking in the village and met some people who got up early to work in the fields.The people in the village knew that Sheng Fenghua had returned last night, and greeted her warmly when they saw her.

After walking around the village and combining with the memory of his predecessor, Sheng Fenghua felt a little familiar.

Back home, breakfast is ready.Mother Sheng is waking Dabao up, and Dani's two children are playing in the yard.Seeing Sheng Fenghua, he called out sweetly, "Second Aunt, Second Aunt."

"Fei'er, Hao'er." Sheng Fenghua smiled and touched the heads of the two, and asked, "Have you washed your face and brushed your teeth?"


"Hey, let's go and play." After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he walked towards the kitchen.Dani was cleaning up the dishes, when she saw Sheng Fenghua smiled and asked, "You're back, how do you feel when you go out for a walk?"

"It's the same as before, except for a few more new houses, nothing has changed."

"How much can the countryside change?" Dani smiled and said, "Speaking of which, our house is the most dilapidated in this village. My parents also want to build a new house, but they have no money at hand."

Sheng Fenghua didn't answer, she understood what Dani meant, she just wanted her to help the family and see if the house could be built.

Although she and Si Zhanbei had promised to build a house for the family, Sheng Fenghua didn't want to tell Dani.She knew that even if she didn't tell her, Sheng's father and Sheng's mother would tell them.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua didn't answer, Dani didn't continue the topic, but went out with the bowl and chopsticks.

After breakfast, Sheng's father and Sheng's mother were going to go out to work, and they planned to lock their rooms before leaving.

Sheng Fenghua looked at it, glanced lightly at Father Sheng, and said, "Mom and Dad, I have no problem with locking the room, but those things have to be taken out first, and I'll go door-to-door to deliver some later."

After Sheng's mother heard this, the boss was unwilling, and said: "What to give, why don't you leave it for your family to eat?"

Sheng Fenghua did not argue with Sheng's mother, but looked at Sheng's father and said, "Dad, I don't want to go back on what was agreed, so you can figure it out."

As soon as these words came out, Sheng's father's expression changed, he glared at Sheng's mother, and said, "That's what the second girl bought, and she can give it to whoever she wants, so what do you care about me?"

"Me?" Sheng's mother's face became ugly, she gave Sheng Fenghua a look, and whispered: "White-eyed wolf!"

Although Sheng's mother's voice was low, Sheng Fenghua could still hear her clearly. He glanced at her lightly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Mom, who do you say is a white-eyed wolf? I should not be your own, otherwise why would you What do you say about me?"

 Thanks to Freezing Point and Free Flying for their rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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