ace warm marriage

Chapter 845 A Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience

Chapter 845 Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience ([-])

At that time, these old people were middle-aged, and if something happened, they shouldn't be unable to remember it.

Or is it because they are old and can't remember the past?
Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, but he didn't have any clues, so he had to put it down for the time being, and then got up to tidy up the room he lived in.

Although she only lived for a few days, she didn't want to sleep in the utility room every day.

Dani was cooking pig food, when she heard the movement, she came out and saw that Sheng Fenghua was moving things out of the house, so she couldn't help asking: "Second sister, what are you doing?"

"Clean up the house, otherwise we won't be able to live in it." Sheng Fenghua replied, then turned around and went into the house to move things.

Although Dani has lived in her mother's house for quite a long time, she seldom goes to the room where Sheng Fenghua lives.So, it's not too clear what's in there.

This time, watching Sheng Fenghua keep moving things out of the room, he realized that the room was full of sundries.

Thinking that he was cooking pig food, he didn't need to watch the fire, it happened to help Sheng Fenghua.So, she followed Sheng Fenghua and walked in.

As soon as she entered and saw the things in the room, she finally understood why she didn't speak after she asked Sheng Fenghua that question in the morning.

The room was in a mess, except for the sleeping bed where nothing was placed, the other places were full of things, and there were some miscellaneous things that didn't work at all.

"Second sister, let me help you." Dani helped Sheng Fenghua clean up while talking.

The two worked together, which was much faster, and a room was quickly cleaned up.

After packing up, Sheng Fenghua cleaned again, and didn't stop until he was satisfied.Seeing the much larger and brighter room, Sheng Fenghua nodded in satisfaction, and thought to himself: This is what looks like a room.

After tidying up the room, Sheng Fenghua brought the gifts that he hadn't sent out before into the room, and then took a rest for a while. It was almost twelve o'clock, and he reckoned that the villagers who went to work in the field should have returned. Then he went out with his things again.

Sheng Fenghua delivered things from family to family, which made the villagers very happy and kept praising her.Some people praised her for marrying a good husband, while others praised her for being pretty.

Among the many compliments, there was one person's words that caught Sheng Fenghua's attention.The other party is a neighbor of the Sheng family. The man died 20 years ago and lives with a son. Everyone calls her Widow Liu, and Sheng Fenghua calls her Aunt Liu.

After Sheng Fenghua gave the things to Aunt Liu's house, he sat down and said a few words to the other party. While talking, Aunt Liu suddenly said to herself: "It's a pity, if it wasn't for that dead ghost who left early, you would be my Liu Osmanthus's daughter."

Although Liu Guihua's voice was low, Sheng Fenghua's hearing was always good, so he heard everything clearly.She was a little excited, looked up at Liu Guihua, and asked, "Aunt Liu, what did you just say?"

"No, it's nothing?" Liu Guihua shook her head quickly, feeling a little regretful in her heart, she shouldn't have spoken out with emotion for a while.

This is a secret. They swore an oath at the beginning, and no one can tell it.Although it has been more than 20 years, who knows if there will be any danger.

If the danger is still there, wouldn't she have harmed Sheng Fenghua?

So, she can't say.

Sheng Fenghua took a deep look at Liu Guihua, watched her look away guiltily, saw that she did not dare to look at him, and was sure that she must know something.

(End of this chapter)

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