ace warm marriage

Chapter 846 A Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience

Chapter 846 Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience ([-])

It's just that, seeing Liu Guihua's appearance, she won't say it easily.So what can she do to get the other party to tell her this secret?

Of course, in fact, she still has the simplest method, which is to hypnotize the other party.However, for the time being, Sheng Fenghua didn't want to use this method, she wanted the other party to tell her willingly.

Sheng Fenghua knew that Liu Guihua would not tell him for a while, so he didn't ask further.After talking to her a few words, he went home.

When they got home, Father Sheng and Mother Sheng had already returned.He was cursing in the yard and packing up the things that Sheng Fenghua had moved out of the room before.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's return, Sheng's mother immediately became angry, pointed to her nose and said, "You damn girl, you are used to living a good life now, right? These things are still usable, so you can go directly to the yard Throw it, you prodigal daughter."

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Sheng's mother lightly, and went into the house without looking back.Seriously, if Sheng's mother wasn't the original owner's mother, she would silence the other party every minute.

But the other party happened to be the original owner's mother, even if she might not be her own, she was also a adoptive mother.The kindness of nurturing is as heavy as a mountain, and she can't do too much.Therefore, the only way is to ignore the other party.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua went straight into the house without saying a word, Sheng's mother became more angry and scolded louder.In the end, Sheng's father couldn't stand it any longer, and yelled at her, saying, "Shut up, you're swearing every day, don't you think it's embarrassing?"

Then Mother Sheng closed her mouth and took the things to the hut next to the pigsty.

In the room, Sheng Fenghua was thinking about how to get Liu Guihua to speak, but he didn't care about the things in the yard at all.

For Sheng's mother's curse words, she just fell on deaf ears.Anyway, she won't stay here for too long, no more than five days at most, so she doesn't want to have any conflict with Sheng's mother.

Regardless of whether she is the original owner's real mother or not, and whether she treats the original owner badly, at least she raised the original owner, and she will always remember this kindness.

As long as the other party doesn't go too far, she naturally won't be too fussy.What's more, if she really had a conflict with Sheng's mother, then the people in the village would definitely blame her.

She didn't want to be scolded for being unfilial, and she didn't want to leave a bad impression on the people in the village.

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, and decided to go to Liu Guihua's house some other time, to see if he could ask anything.

Having made a decision, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay in the room for too long, but went to the kitchen to help Dani make lunch.

To be honest, she really couldn't eat the dishes that Dani cooked.Not to mention the ugly appearance of the dish, even the green vegetables can be fried into yellow by her, not to mention the taste is not flattering.It's either salty or bland, and I don't know how other people in the family eat it.

Speaking of which, she really admires her brother-in-law Chen Weimin, who can eat this kind of food every day.

Dani was very happy to see Sheng Fenghua come to help her cook.To be honest, cooking meals for seven or eight people is still a bit tiring.

Now with Sheng Fenghua's help, she is much more relaxed.

While lighting the fire, Dani looked at Sheng Fenghua's quick chopping of vegetables, a little surprised, and asked, "Second sister, your chopping speed is almost as fast as the chef's."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, and replied, "Eldest sister was joking."

When Sheng Fenghua finished chopping the vegetables, Dani's rice was also cooked.So she picked up the rice and was about to start cooking, when Sheng Fenghua said: "Sister, let me fry this dish today."

(End of this chapter)

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