ace warm marriage

Chapter 847 A Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience

Chapter 847 Preliminary Exploration of Life Experience ([-])

"Okay! Let us have a taste of your cooking skills today." Dani moved her seat away as she spoke, and sat back in front of the stove to light the fire again.

Sheng Fenghua rolled up his sleeves, saw that the pot was already hot, and then began to cook.

Dani watched while lighting the fire.When she saw Sheng Fenghua poured a lot of oil, she couldn't help feeling distressed, and said, "Second sister, did you pour too much oil?"

"Sister, if you don't put more oil in the stir-fried vegetables, this dish will not taste good." Sheng Fenghua explained, and then poured the chopped vegetables into the pot.

Dani watched Sheng Fenghua directly pour the vegetables in, but it was hard to say anything, she stood silently and watched her stir-fry.

The green vegetables were fried very quickly. They were green in color, without any yellowing, which was completely different from the ones I fried. At first glance, my appetite was greatly increased.

"Second sister, the vegetables you stir-fry are so beautiful." Dani praised.

Sheng Fenghua smiled and said, "If you add a little more oil like me when frying vegetables, you can also achieve this effect."

As soon as these words came out, Dani stopped talking.This oil is quite expensive in the countryside, and every household saves it, so how can she dare to put more.

Besides, if Mother Sheng saw that she put so much oil in her cooking, she wouldn't scold her to death.Only people like Sheng Fenghua who are not afraid of Sheng's mother dare to do this.

Seeing that Dani stopped talking, Sheng Fenghua didn't speak again, but continued to fry a few other dishes.

There were five dishes in total, and Sheng Fenghua cooked them up in no time.

Dani saw that the dishes were ready, put out the fire on the stove, got up to get the dishes and chopsticks.Sheng Fenghua carried the dishes into the living room and placed them on the table.

After bringing out all the dishes and setting up the bowls and chopsticks, Dani called Sheng's father, Sheng's mother, her husband, younger brother, and two little kids to eat.

As soon as Sheng's mother came to the table, she looked at the dishes on the table, her face darkened, and she said, "Danny, you prodigal son, why do you put so much oil in the dishes. The oil is enough for us We’ve been eating at home for several days.”

Hearing Sheng's mother scolding herself, Dani opened her mouth to explain, and Sheng Fenghua on the side spoke first, and said, "Mom, you don't have to scold elder sister, I made this dish."

"What, did you fry it? You prodigal daughter, you want to ruin the whole family. Why do you put so much oil in the stir-fry?"

"Isn't it just a little oil, I'll just give it back to you when the time comes." Sheng Fenghua replied lightly, then ignored Sheng's mother, got up and went to serve the meal.

"You?" Sheng's mother was furious, but Sheng Fenghua had already said that she would pay her back, so she couldn't say anything more.

"Eat!" Sheng's father glared at Sheng's mother, and then got up to serve the meal.

He thought it was time to talk about Sheng's mother. After all, Sheng Fenghua hadn't stayed at home for a long time, so why did she target her every time?
After dinner, Sheng Fenghua went back to his room for a lunch break, and Sheng's father and Sheng's mother also went back to the room, but Dabao and the others were watching TV in the living room.

Back in the room, Father Sheng looked at Mother Sheng and asked, "What's going on with you? You've been stabbing the second girl for what you've been doing, and she's been at home for a short time. It's not like you don't know."

"I know."

"Knowing that you are still like this, don't you turn a blind eye or close one eye?"

"I think so too. But look at what these two girls are doing. As soon as they come home, they make a mess at home."

"What kind of nonsense, if you didn't look for trouble, nothing would happen at all."

"Old Sheng, what are you talking about? I'm looking for trouble, why am I looking for trouble?" Sheng's mother was upset, and she stared at Sheng's father with anger on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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