ace warm marriage

Chapter 856 With Clues

Chapter 856 Has a Clue ([-])

"Dad, Mom, I heard that my second sister wants to give money to our family to build a new house. Is this true?"

Dabao didn't immediately ask what Sheng Fenghua asked him to inquire about before, but asked about building the house.

He knew that his parents had always wanted to build a new house, but the family had no money, so they just talked about it.

This time, it took so long to come back from city B, there must be some reasons for this.He had heard a long time ago that the man Sheng Fenghua married was rich.

Coupled with the clothes Sheng Fenghua came back this time and the gifts he brought back, he was sure that Sheng Fenghua was indeed richer.

"Of course it's true." Sheng's mother said proudly.

It's just that as soon as the words were finished, thinking that the money was still in Sheng Fenghua's hands, and that Sheng Fenghua had threatened her with it before, he felt a little unhappy, and said, "However, I'm afraid that the second girl will go back on her word."

"Mom, don't worry, the second sister is not such a person. Since she agreed, she won't go back on her word." For some reason, Dabao still has great confidence in Sheng Fenghua.

If it was the old Sheng Fenghua, he might regret it, but now he feels that the possibility of Sheng Fenghua's regret is relatively low.

If you want to ask him why he believes so much, he can't tell.

"I don't know what ecstasy soup she gave you, but everyone believes in her so much. According to me, let her take out the money first, otherwise she will regret it and we will get nothing."

Sheng's mother was a little confused and couldn't understand why both her husband and son believed in Sheng Fenghua so much.Before, she also mentioned to father Sheng that Sheng Fenghua should give them the money first.

However, Sheng's father did not agree. He said that since Sheng Fenghua said yes, he would definitely give it, and told her not to worry.

"Mom, second sister didn't drink any ecstasy soup, you are overthinking it." Dabao looked at his mother, not knowing what to say.

In fact, the reason why he hated Sheng Fenghua so much and bullied Sheng Fenghua so much in the past was somewhat due to his mother Sheng.

"Okay, you all say that I think too much, so just treat it as if I think too much." Sheng's mother turned her head away with a displeased face and stopped talking.

Seeing her like this, Dabao knew that she was angry, so he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Mom, the second sister was born to you just like us, why do you have such a big opinion on her?"

As soon as these words came out, Sheng's mother's face froze, and said: "She is different from you."

"Why is it different? She is my second sister and your daughter, she also crawled out of your stomach, didn't she?"

Dabao's words made Sheng's mother's face darken, and she opened her mouth and said, "She is not..."

However, before she could finish her sentence, Father Sheng on the side immediately grabbed the conversation: "Dabao, there is a reason why your mother doesn't like your second sister."

Dabao's eyes flickered slightly, looking at his father.It was clear that mother was about to speak, but was interrupted by father. Is there something he didn't know about it.

Thinking of what Sheng Fenghua asked him to inquire about, he couldn't help but think a little more.He felt that his parents must be hiding something.Especially the father, why didn't he interrupt his mother's words earlier, and why didn't he interrupt later, he decided to plan when she was about to tell the reason.

Is there something that he can't know?
Thinking so, Dabao asked: "What is the reason?"

"The thing is like this, your grandma is very patriarchal, you know that. When your mother gave birth to your eldest sister, your grandma was already unhappy. Later, your second sister was born, and your grandma was even more unhappy. In a fit of anger Even the confinement child doesn't serve your mother anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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