ace warm marriage

Chapter 857 With Clues

Chapter 857 With Clues ([-])

"I was also busy at that time, and I didn't have time to take care of your mother."

"In this way, your mother hates your second sister, and thinks it's because of her that she still washes and cooks by herself during confinement."

"Is that really the case?" Dabao was a little skeptical, he felt that his father seemed to be making up a story.Although, in the past, grandma did love him more, but when it comes to patriarchal patriarchy, it's not necessarily true.

Because grandma was kind to the eldest sister, although she wasn't nice to him, but she wasn't as angry as she was to the second sister.

"Why, can we still lie to you?" Mother Sheng glared at Dabao and said, "What's the matter with you today? Why did you suddenly ask this? The second girl didn't ask you to ask, did she?"

"How is it possible?" Dabao was shocked, not expecting that Sheng's mother would have guessed it.However, he didn't show it on his face, and said: "I just think that the second sister is married now, we should treat her better, otherwise she might not come back in the future."

"She dares!" Mother Sheng said loudly, thinking that Sheng Fenghua might not come back in the future, she was a little anxious.Although Sheng Fenghua has agreed to build a house, who knows what will happen in the future.

She didn't want to break up with Sheng Fenghua. In case she needed money again in the future, there was at least one person who could help.

As it is now, the houses they live in are all dilapidated, but none of those relatives can lend them money.

Because there was no money, this matter was delayed again and again.But Sheng Fenghua is different, she is like a cash cow now.Although she said before that she didn't have a job, she lived a tight life with Si Zhanbei's salary.

But she still didn't quite believe it was true.Because Sheng Fenghua's previous wedding was extremely luxurious.Although she didn't know how much she spent, it was definitely more than [-] to [-] yuan.

Since a wedding can cost so much money, Sheng's mother felt that Si Zhanbei must have a lot of money.It's just that Sheng Fenghua may not know it.

"Mom, do you think that Second Sister will not dare if you say that? If you treat me like this again, you can try it and see if Second Sister dares?"

After a pause, Dabao went on to say: "The current second sister is no longer the former second sister. I think you can also feel this, so I think we should treat her better, so that whether it is for me or Good for our whole family."

Dabao knows that his parents value him, and he also knows that if it is good for him, he will do it.So he specifically mentioned himself, in order to let his parents be more tolerant to Sheng Fenghua for him.

Especially mother Sheng, he really didn't want her to treat Sheng Fenghua like this all the time.

After listening to Dabao's words, Father Sheng really felt that his son had grown up, and even thought of this.So, he looked at Sheng's mother and said, "Mom Dabao, Dabao is right, we should treat the second girl better, so that she can help Dabao more in the future."

"I see!" Mother Sheng was a little unhappy, but she still agreed.For her, her son Dabao is the most important.

As long as it is beneficial to her son, she will try her best to do it.

Seeing that Mother Sheng's attitude softened, Dabao didn't say much.Seeing that it was getting late, he got up and left the second elder's room.

When Dabao left, Mother Sheng looked at Father Sheng and asked, "Why do I feel that Dabao has changed?"

Thinking of what Dabao said before, she suddenly felt that her son had become a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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