ace warm marriage

Chapter 863 That's a Birthmark

Chapter 863 That's a Birthmark ([-])

Sheng Fenghua smiled and explained: "I just came from City A, and I came to this town first, so I came to you directly."

"So that's the case." Dean Liu nodded, not having too much doubt about Sheng Fenghua's words.

Dean Liu fell silent again, and Sheng Fenghua didn't urge him. While drinking tea, he looked at the furnishings of the entire living room.

There are some pictures hanging on the wall, some pictures of human body structure.Only a doctor would hang such a picture at home.

It can be seen that Dean Liu is a very conscientious doctor.

While watching, Dean Liu spoke again, and said, "The girl Xiaoye you mentioned, if I remember correctly, should be called Ye Qingge."

Sheng Fenghua looked away from the wall, looked at Dean Liu, and listened carefully.

"That is really a beautiful girl. There is no more beautiful girl than her in the whole town. However, when she came to the hospital, she came alone. At that time, she had a big belly, About five months."

"You may not know that more than 20 years ago, a girl's family came to the hospital alone was easily criticized. Although she said at the time that her man had traveled far away, rumors have still spread since then."

"After that time, I never saw that girl again, until five months later, Shengjia Village sent a pregnant woman with dystocia."

"At that time, I heard from the person who brought the pregnant woman that she had stayed in the village for a day and a night, but she still hadn't given birth to the child, and she had passed out. As a last resort, she was sent to the hospital."

"I happened to be on duty that day, so I went to see the pregnant woman. With just one glance, I recognized that the pregnant woman was the girl who came here five months ago."

"At that time, the situation was a bit critical. If the operation was not performed, not only the children, but even the adults might not be safe. Therefore, I didn't think too much about it at the time, and I quickly ordered the operation."

"It was the first obstetrics and gynecology operation in my life. To be honest, I was a little nervous at the beginning. After all, it was the first time I had this kind of operation, and two lives were at stake."

"Fortunately, the operation was successful. Not only the children are fine, but the adults are also fine. After the operation, I arranged for them to be hospitalized. But for some reason, after the girl woke up, she asked to leave directly."

"In the end, I had no choice but to discharge her from the hospital."

Through Dean Liu's narration, Sheng Fenghua seemed to have traveled back to more than 20 years ago, feeling the scene at that time.If the other party is really her biological mother, then she is the child delivered by Dean Liu.

Thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua suddenly looked up at Dean Liu, and asked, "Dean Liu, do you still remember whether the child you delivered had a birthmark?"

"Birthmark?" Dean Liu was taken aback, and recalled again.

Soon, he remembered and said, "Yes, I remember it very clearly. Because the child's birthmark is a bit special."

"I don't know what kind of birthmark it is?"

"It's a plum blossom birthmark."

"Then I wonder if Yuanyuan Liu still remembers where the birthmark is?"

"I remember, of course I remember, the position of the birthmark on the child's chest. At that time, I was a bit surprised, because it was the first time I saw such a birthmark on a child, and it was still in such an important position."

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of your smile. When I saw the birthmark, I was shocked, thinking that there was something wrong with the child. It was only later that I found out that it was a birthmark."

(End of this chapter)

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