ace warm marriage

Chapter 864 That's a Birthmark

Chapter 864 That's a Birthmark ([-])

After listening to Dean Liu's words, Sheng Fenghua put his hand slightly on his chest.There is indeed a plum blossom there.

In the past, she always thought that this plum blossom appeared because of a ruthless shot.Now it seems that I was wrong, it was a birthmark.

It's just that why didn't the original owner of the body find out?

Sheng Fenghua was a little puzzled.In the memory of the original owner, there was never any memory of this birthmark.Otherwise, she would not have suspected that it was because of that shot.

Sheng Fenghua couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think much about it.Instead, he looked up at Dean Liu again and asked, "Dean Liu, do you know what happened to that girl afterwards?"

Dean Liu shook his head and said, "I never saw that girl again after that."

Sheng Fenghua looked at Dean Liu, knowing that he had nothing to ask, so he immediately changed the subject and talked to him about medical matters.

Dean Liu devoted his whole life to the medical cause, and Sheng Fenghua had unique insights in medical skills, so the two chatted quite speculatively.

At the end, Dean Liu enthusiastically asked her to stay for lunch.However, Sheng Fenghua refused, and then gave the other party a call, asking Dean Liu to call her if he needed anything.

After leaving Dean Liu's house, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay in the town too much, but went back to Shengjia Village.

It was the second episode, and there were more people on the road, Sheng Fenghua walked among the crowd, feeling a bit out of the crowd.

Facing everyone's curious eyes, Sheng Fenghua didn't care, and walked back quickly.

While walking, a voice came from behind: "Second Sister, Second Sister!"

Hearing the sound, Sheng Fenghua stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked behind him.I saw Dabao walking with a few young men, and this meeting was walking towards me.

"Second sister, didn't you say you couldn't come? Why are you here alone?" Dabao walked up to Sheng Fenghua and asked with a smile.

"Sheng Jiabao, is this really your second sister?" A friend asked in surprise.Just now when they were walking behind and saw Sheng Fenghua in front, who was talking about whose family she was from, Dabao suddenly said that it was his second sister.

Of course the partners didn't believe it.The second sister of Dabao, they have met before, and there is no way to compare with Sheng Fenghua.

But now, when Dabao called Sheng Fenghua's second sister, and Sheng Fenghua didn't object, they believed it a little.

"Can it still be fake?" Dabao looked at his little friend proudly, and then said to Sheng Fenghua: "Second sister, let me introduce you, these are my friends, Daqin, Xiaolin, just now son."

"Hello!" Sheng Fenghua smiled and nodded towards several people, then looked at Dabao and said, "Why are you here, didn't you go back by car?"

"Second sister, we are men, we just need to walk, what kind of car should we take?" Dabao waved his hand and raised his leg, expressing his determination to walk.

"Where are your parents, have you gone back?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Dabao and asked again.

"They went back a long time ago, and they went back in the tricycle of the old Uncle Wang in the village."

After finishing speaking, Dabao took another look at Sheng Fenghua and said, "By the way, Second Sister, why are you here?"

"I'm here to meet a friend." Sheng Fenghua explained lightly, and then said: "Let's go, let's talk as we walk."

With that said, Sheng Fenghua strode forward.She walked very fast, and in a blink of an eye, she left Dabao and her little friend behind.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua who was getting faster and faster in front of him, several of Dabao's friends muttered again, saying, "Sheng Jiabao, your sister walks really fast."

(End of this chapter)

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