ace warm marriage

Chapter 868 Helping the Madman

Chapter 868 Helping the Madman ([-])

"Don't worry, if you want to take it, I will take you out together. Otherwise, I won't take any of them." Sheng Fenghua patted Dabao on the shoulder and strode home.

Besides, after Daqin and the others went home, they began to scan for news about Xiaoye.Their first choice is their parents.

However, what Daqin and the others hadn't thought of, what they thought was simple, ran into trouble.

When they first proposed the person named Xiaoye to their parents, their respective parents changed their faces.

"Why did you suddenly ask this?" Da Qin's father looked at Da Qin and asked sternly.After that day, everyone had a tacit understanding about Xiaoye, and no one mentioned it again.

But now, his son suddenly mentioned the other party, which surprised him and worried him at the same time.He wondered if those people had come and found his son.

Thinking of this, Daqin's father looked at his son and asked, "Did someone ask you about this?"

Da Qin was taken aback, suddenly thought of Sheng Fenghua, and did not speak.

"Tell me, did someone ask you?" Da Qin's father saw his son lost his mind, and his voice became a little louder.If you listen carefully, you can hear the fear in his voice.

"No!" Da Qin shook his head, not wanting to tell Sheng Fenghua.

But Daqin's father didn't believe his son's words. He looked at him with fiery eyes and said, "You still haven't told me the truth? If someone didn't look for you, how would you know Xiaoye?"

"Dad, really not." Da Qin was still unwilling to say it, making his father very angry.Turning around, he found a whip for driving cattle and was about to whip it at Da Qin's body.

Seeing that his father was going to hit someone, Da Qin jumped out immediately and ran out.While running, he shouted to his mother who was cooking in the kitchen: "Mom, mom, my dad is going to beat me."

Daqin's mother rushed out of the kitchen when she heard her son's shout.Sure enough, I saw my husband chasing and beating his son with a whip.

Seeing that the whip was about to hit her son, Da Qin's mother yelled, "Stop!"

After being yelled at by his wife, Da Qin's father stopped and said, "You are protecting him again."

"He's my son. If I don't protect him, who will protect him. If it's you, why are you whipping again?" Daqin's mother glared at her husband, then shouted.

"I don't want to either, but do you know what this bastard just told me?"

"What did you say? No matter what you say, you can't beat your son like this. He has grown up and is no longer a child. If you chase him and beat him like this, how will he meet people and marry a wife in the future?"

"What did you say, he just asked me about Xiaoye." Daqin's father also yelled angrily.

"What did you say?" Daqin's mother was stunned for a moment, wondering if she had heard it wrong, and asked, "You said that Daqin was inquiring about Xiaoye."


"How did he know Xiaoye?" Daqin's mother was puzzled. When Xiaoye was here, Xiaoqin hadn't even been born yet, and she had just married into Shengjia Village at that time.

Moreover, it has been more than 20 years, how could a good son inquire about her?

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Da Qin turned his head and stared at the stopped Da Qin, he also wanted to know the reason.But the son didn't say anything, what else could he do except beat him up?
After hearing this, Daqin's mother became serious, looked at her son and asked, "Daqin, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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