ace warm marriage

Chapter 869 Helping the Madman

Chapter 869 Helping the Madman ([-])

"Mom, what's going on?" Da Qin looked at his parents with an innocent face, but he was wondering who Xiao Ye was.Why did my parents' faces change when they heard her name.

"Stop pretending to be confused with us." Seeing Daqin's pretending, Daqin's father got angry again and yelled.

"Okay, keep your voice down. I'll ask him." Daqin's mother glared at her husband, then walked towards Daqin.

Seeing his mother walking towards him, Da Qin turned around and planned to slip away.At this moment, Daqin's mother spoke up and said, "Daqin, do you dare to go and give it a try?"

In a word, Da Qin was directly fixed, and his plan was ruined, then he turned around obediently and said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Just pretend!" Daqin's mother gave Daqin a hard look, and said, "I'm asking you, what's going on?"

"Mom, what's going on, I really don't know." Daqin pretended to be innocent again, which annoyed his mother immediately, and went forward to pinch his ears.

Seeing his mother's actions, Da Qin was startled, stepped back quickly, and said, "Mom, mom, don't act recklessly."

"Don't act recklessly? Are you afraid?" Da Qin's mother approached Da Qin again while talking, and said, "Quickly tell me what's going on."

"Mom, how many times do I have to say it before you believe me. I really don't know."

"I don't know?" Daqin's mother became angry when she saw her son not telling the truth, and said, "You still dare to lie to us, it seems that you haven't been beaten for a long time, and your skin is itchy."

After Da Qin's mother finished speaking, she reached out and grabbed Da Qin's arm, then turned her head and said to his father, "Husband, bring the whip."

Daqin wanted to struggle, but his mother was still quite strong.Moreover, he was afraid that he would hurt his mother if he used too much force, so he didn't dare to use too much force.

In this way, he couldn't break free from his mother's hand at all.Seeing that his father was right in front of him, and the whip had already been raised, Daqin immediately faltered, and said, "I said, can't I say it?"

However, although Da Qin let go, Da Qin's mother did not let him go, but held him tighter, for fear that he would cheat and escape.

"Say it!" Da Qin's father raised the whip in his hand and urged him.

"That's right. Didn't Sheng Jiabao's sister come back a few days ago?"

"I know, she even brought things to our house." Daqin's mother nodded. Everyone in the village knew about Sheng Fenghua's return.What's more, the next day she went from door to door carrying things to the door.

"What's the matter with the second daughter of the Sheng family?" Da Qin's father asked with a puzzled face.

"Dad, Mom, do you think that Jiabao's sister is very beautiful, she doesn't look like someone from us at all?"

"It doesn't look like it. She is not from our place now. I heard that she married a soldier, but now she is from the city."

Daqin's mother said sourly, but she was still jealous of Sheng's mother. She gave birth to a good daughter and married a city person. The good days are yet to come.

"Mom, that's not what I'm talking about. I heard that a girl from the city also came to Shengjia Village more than 20 years ago, and she was also very beautiful, so I'm asking you."

"Who did you hear from?" Daqin's father's face darkened. No one has mentioned this matter for more than 20 years.Who did Daqin listen to?

(End of this chapter)

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