ace warm marriage

Chapter 870 Helping the Madman

Chapter 870 Helping the Madman ([-])

"I can't say that." Da Qin shook his head and looked at his parents. He didn't dare to betray Sheng Fenghua, otherwise what would she do if she didn't take them out to work to earn money?
"Are you going to tell me?" Da Qin talked for a long time, but he didn't say anything.Daqin's father became angry immediately, and raised his whip again to beat Daqin.

"Husband, don't rush to do it." Daqin's mother blocked Daqin's father's movement, but turned to look at him and said, "Since my son doesn't want to talk, why should we force him? Besides, this matter has passed for 20 years It’s been many years, I guess people have forgotten about it long ago.”

"Whether others have forgotten or not, we still have to be careful. Misfortune comes out of our mouths. I don't want to harm our family because of this bastard."

"It shouldn't be that serious, right?"

"Why not? Don't forget, we all swore."

"Okay, listen to you."

Daqin stared at his parents talking blankly, listening to what the two said, he didn't react for a long time.After a while, he asked, "Dad, Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing." The two shook their heads.

"Dad! Mom!" Daqin felt that his parents were hiding something from him, so he couldn't help shouting, with a full face of protest.

"Okay, let's stop here, and we won't ask you. But, you remember it for us, and you are not allowed to mention this matter in the future."

"Why?" Da Qin asked unwillingly with a puzzled face.This was the task Sheng Fenghua entrusted to them, and it was related to whether he could go out and earn money.

"There's no reason, children, don't ask too many questions." Grandma Daqin gave her son a glare and said.

"Mom, I'm old, I'm not a child anymore." Da Qin protested again.He is already an adult, but his parents still treat him like a child.

Think about it, it's depressing.

"No matter how old you are, in our eyes, you will always be a child." After Da Qin's mother finished speaking, she ignored her son with a sad face and turned back to the kitchen to cook.

Daqin's father then went back to the living room to watch TV, leaving Daqin standing in the yard with a deep thought on his face.

After thinking for a while, he decided to go to the houses of several other companions to see if the situation was the same as his own.So, he said to the mother who was cooking in the kitchen: "Mom, let me go out for a while."

"It's almost time for dinner, what else are you going out for?"

"I'll return soon."

After Daqin finished speaking, he went straight out of the courtyard and walked to Gangzi's house, which was closest to his own.

Gangzi's family did not stage a full martial arts performance, and Gangzi's father did not use the whip.However, when Gangzi mentioned Ye Zi, he immediately warned: "Don't mention this person in the future, otherwise it will bring disaster to our family."

"Dad, what's going on? Isn't it just a name? How could there be a disaster?" Gangzi was very puzzled. How could it be connected with a disaster with just a person's name?

"You don't have to worry about this, it's always right to listen to me." Gangzi's father didn't want to say more, and he didn't know why Gangzi asked.

"Dad!" Gangzi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by his father, saying: "Don't say anything, remember not to mention this person at home again."

"If you don't mention it, don't mention it." Gangzi was a little angry, got up and left the house.As soon as he left the house, he saw Da Qin coming towards his house, and couldn't help but greet him.

"Daqin, are you looking for me?" Gangzi looked at Daqin and asked.


"Is something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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