ace warm marriage

Chapter 871 Helping the Madman

Chapter 871 Helping the Madman ([-])

"Gangzi, did you ask about what Sister Sheng explained?" Da Qin looked at Gangzi and asked directly.


"What do your family say?"

"Hey, I got angry when I mentioned this. My dad didn't say anything, but warned me not to mention Xiaoye's name in the future, and said that it would bring disaster to the family. I really don't understand, isn't it just a person's name? ? How could there be no disaster?" Speaking of this, Gangzi couldn't help complaining.

Daqin frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself: It seems that my parents are right, this Xiaoye's name may really not be mentioned.

After Gangzi complained, he didn't hear Daqin's words, so he couldn't help asking: "By the way, what about you? How's the situation? What did your parents say?"

"They are the same as your father said, let me not mention that person in the future."

"How could this happen?" Gangzi was puzzled. If his father said this, it could be said that his father was threatening him.But now that even Daqin's parents say the same, there is a real problem.

"I don't know either." Da Qin was a little frustrated, if he couldn't find out about that person, what would Sheng Fenghua do if he didn't take them out?
This is a rare opportunity.

"Then what should we do?" Gangzi obviously also thought of this question, and said to Daqin, "How about we ask someone else?"

"Who else can we find?" Da Qin asked.

"Find Crazy Yu."

"Crazy Yu? What can he know as a lunatic?"

"It's not that you don't know, and the lunatic is not crazy every day. There are also moments of sobriety. In this way, let's go home and eat first, and then go to the lunatic after eating."

"Okay, that's it. After dinner, we will meet under the big tree at the end of the village, and then we will go find Crazy Yu."

"it is good!"

"By the way, should Xiao Lin say something?"

"Don't tell him first, his parents don't go home during the day, and see how he is doing at night."


After discussing it, the two went home for dinner.

When Da Qin came home, his mother had already cooked the meal and was serving the food in the living room.Seeing Da Qin coming back, he immediately said, "Go and wash your hands, it's time to eat."

Da Qin nodded, walked to the well in the yard, filled a basin of water, and took it aside to wash his hands.

After dinner, Daqin thought about the promise he had made with Gangzi, so he didn't stay at home too long. After talking to his parents, he went to the end of the village.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know about Daqin and Gangzi's affairs.However, she was also prepared, that is, Daqin and the others were like her, unable to ask anything.

Moreover, she also thought about it, if she really couldn't ask anything, she would go to Widow Liu.Isn't it said that money can turn ghosts around?

She planned to give Widow Liu some money, but she couldn't believe that she wouldn't speak up.After all, Widow Liu's family is poorer than theirs, and Widow Liu's son is almost thirty, and he hasn't married a wife yet, all because of lack of money.

If she could give Widow Liu some money to relieve her urgent needs, she would definitely speak up.

With a decision in his heart, Sheng Fenghua was not in a hurry, and planned to go to Widow Liu's house in the evening.

After eating, Sheng Fenghua went straight back to his room for a lunch break.I haven't exercised for a long time, and I'm still a little tired after walking for an hour on the mountain road.

Lying on the bed, Sheng Fenghua soon fell asleep.On the other hand, father Sheng in the opposite room couldn't sleep, thinking about Sheng Fenghua's sudden rush to town today.

As far as he knew, Sheng Fenghua didn't have any friends in the town, but she told him that she was going to meet friends.Obviously, Sheng Fenghua was lying.

(End of this chapter)

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