ace warm marriage

Chapter 872 Helping the Madman

Chapter 872 Helping the Madman ([-])

But why would she lie?
"What are you thinking?" Sheng's mother couldn't help asking, seeing that her husband was in a daze instead of sleeping for a long time.

"It's nothing, go to sleep." Sheng's father shook his head, not wanting to talk to Sheng's mother.And even if he said it, Sheng's mother would not understand, but would think that he was thinking too much.

Sheng's mother didn't ask any more questions, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.Father Sheng thought for a while, but he didn't have any clues, so he closed his eyes.

Besides, after Daqin and Gangzi met under the big tree at the end of the village, they went directly to Crazy Yu's house.

This lunatic Yu is a widowed old man. It is said that he has been insane for many years. Daqin and the others don't know exactly when he became insane.Because this lunatic has been insane since he was a child.

Because Crazy Yu is a lunatic, he lives at the back of the village, near the mountain.Crazy Yu's family lives at the foot of the mountain, and there is only one simple house.

According to the elders in the village, the house was also built for him by the people in the village.Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

But to be honest, I'm still a little scared of Crazy Yu and the other two.If they didn't come together, if there was only one person, they wouldn't dare to come here at all.

The two soon arrived at the door of Crazy Yu's house, but they dared not knock on the door.

"Daqin, go and knock on the door." Gangzi turned to look at Daqin and said.

"Go!" Daqin didn't want to knock on the door, so he pushed it to Gangzi.

"How about we knock together?" Gangzi suggested.

"Alright!" Da Qin thought for a while and nodded in agreement.Anyway, neither of them wants to knock, so they can only do it together.

So, the two went forward together and knocked on the door of Crazy Yu's house.

In the room, Crazy Yu was eating.Hearing a knock on the door, he came out with a bowl in his hand.His bowl was dark, and it looked like it hadn't been washed for a long time.

However, he is the only one in the lunatic's house, and he uses it for himself whether he washes it or not.

"Who is it!" Crazy Yu stuffed his mouth, and opened the door while asking.As soon as the door opened, a stench rushed straight into the mouths and noses of Daqin and Gangzi, making them take a few steps back involuntarily.

"Who are you?" Crazy Yu asked, looking at the two of them.Although he was from the same village, Crazy Yu was despised by everyone because he was a lunatic, so he seldom walked in the village.

Even if they go out, they just go around the mountain to get some firewood and wild vegetables.

"Uncle Crazy, I'm Da Qin, and he's Gang Zi. We have something to do with you." Da Qin spoke first, enduring the strange smell coming from Crazy Yu's body.

Seriously, the smell of the lunatics was so strong that they felt like throwing up.It was conceivable that Sheng Fenghua had to endure the task assigned to them for the time being.

"What's the matter?" Crazy Yu asked while taking another mouthful of rice.

"Uncle Crazy, do you know a person named Xiaoye?"

"Xiaoye?" Crazy Yu was stunned for a long time when he heard the name, but suddenly the bowl in his hand fell off and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the bowl is made of wood, so it won't break.But the bowl of rice fell to the ground.At this time, Crazy Yu suddenly burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly cried loudly.

This change made Daqin and Gangzi stunned at the same time, they looked at each other with a look of confusion.Alright, how could this madman react so strongly.

Not only did he drop the bowl, but he also cried like a little daughter-in-law.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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